Has Anyone Programmed Radio Userland Using C Or VBNET I Dont Want To Get Involved In Religious Wars About Blogging APIs

Has anyone programmed Radio Userland using C# or VB.NET? I don't want to get involved in religious wars about blogging APIs, all I want is an example that shows how to create a blog post using .NET objects like HttpWebRequests. My first attempt just timed out and Google isn't helping me, even though I know this should be trivial:

string xml = "\<methodCall>\<methodName>metaWeblog.newPost\</methodName>\<params>\<param>\<value>blogId\</value>\</param>\<param>\<value>user\</value>\</param>\<param>\<value>pass\</value>\</param>\<param>\<value>\<item>\<title>foo\</title>\<description>stuff\</description>\</item>\</value>\</param>\<param>\<value>true\</value>\</param>\</params>\</methodCall>";

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) HttpWebRequest.Create("http://localhost:5335/RPC2/");

req.Method = "POST";

req.Timeout = 15000;

HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse();

StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream());

textBox1.Text = sr.ReadToEnd();