Here are links that I (Larry O'Brien) have been meaning to post (the "I"s and "me" in the following are the original authors):
If you follow the rumor mill, you may have heard of X# or "Xen", the crazy next-generation programming language that was reportedly being cooked up by people on my former team. I won't say what they all are working on now, but some more of them have started blogs....
I just finished reading Cory Doctorow's latest book Eastern Standard Tribe. It was a cool book and the next time I hit a bookstore or I will buy a copy. Because Cory released the book under a Creative Commons license people have been transforming it into a variety of formats. The one that caught my eye was "speed-reader" by Trevor Smith. This is a Java applet that flashes the book up on the screen a word at a time. The single user-interface control it has is for varying the speed at which the words are presented.... | Comments
Harald Leitenm