Bray resists assimilation: "Hmmm... maybe resistance isn't irrelevant," says Borg

Of course, it's big news that Tim Bray has taken a job with a major software company. But it's bigger news because he chose to join Sun and not Microsoft (I'm not saying Bray chose between competing offers, just that Microsoft has hired a lot of luminaries recently). I wonder to what extent the "Java Rocks" portion of his explanation is hyperbole: his first two arguments (.NET never attempted to hit an "80/20" point and Microsoft has a history of focusing on the desktop) are very weak and only his third (Microsoft has an agenda) is inarguable.

Anyway, in "The Best of Both Worlds, Pt. 1" the Borg said "Resistance is irrelevant," not "Resistance is futile." "Resistance is irrelevant," is vastly better and I trace the decline of the Star Trek franchise to the adoption of the blustery, cliched "resistance is futile," line. I've been wanting to get that off my chest for awhile.