So there are games for the tablet. The problem is that the majority of them have something to do with words and writing. Granted, since ink is the big thing, it makes sense, but how many Scrabble and crossword clones can you have? Let's see something innovative.
For example, Toshiba's M200 has the built-in accelerometers, right? So why not a version of Microsoft Plus! Labyrinth where you control the board by physically moving the tablet? How about strategy games that take advantage of pen and ink? Tablet users don't necessarily need something flashy that runs at 60 fps. Just a nice polished game that really makes use of tablet features. via [Tabula PC]
I agree that a first-person shooter isn't the route to go. You want something real-time, but with pen strokes about the screen controlling the level. I bet the guys at Pop Cap could dream up something.