Just The Other Day I Was So Damned Sick Of Not Having A Persistent Object Image That I Downloaded A Hrefhttps

Just the other day, I was so damned sick of not having a persistent object image that I downloaded Cincom Smalltalk. Ah, Smalltalk! It's been years, my old friend... Where were we when last me met? Hmmm... where the heck's the object for a network query?

Anyway, Sean Malloy of Cincom serendipitously visited my blog and pointed out that RentACoder might seem like a great thing if you're a decent programmer who values your time at around \\(4 an hour. And indeed, there *are* people filling RentACoder bids and presumably, many of them are living in countries where \\)4 is a good wage. Maybe I'll have to micro-outsource for real.

Oh, and if you've never used Smalltalk (or you have and it's been awhile) download Cincom -- it's free for non-commercial use! Smalltalk is universally lauded as the language that best facilitates an object-oriented mindset. C++, Java, C#: all are compromises of the pure object "vision." (Good compromises, but compromises.)