Julie points out that if it ain't got Intellisense, it ain't a productive programming environment. Now,
- Pynk doesn't even have cut-and-paste yet, so that comes first; and
- It *should * be possible to use reflection to get, not quite Intellisense, but something like a list of properties and methods that might be applicable to the current object; but
- We're back to the PIP dilemma: I would need events firing as the user enters individual characters (at least, when they enter a '.'). Which you don't get with the PIP, but which I might be able to get off the RecognizerContext object's Recognize event. But, I don't think I can actually get a reference to the PIP's RecognizerContext, so I can't use the PIP for input in this scenario. But I want to move towards free-form ink and/or syntax-directed UIs anyway...
P.S. I can't do something Intellisense-like within Shark itself, since it runs from static configuration files and Intellisense is inherently dynamic