Kasparov revisited

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[Back in 1997, Garry Kasparov played six rounds of chess against IBM's Deep Blue computer. Kasparov is, possibly, the greatest chess player of all time. He won one round, battled to a draw in three... [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Alice and Bill.com]]{style=""}

Apparently there’s a new movie out that says that the Deep Blue win was a cheat because of the day-to-day tweaking done on the parameters. I disagree. I wasn’t an observer, but I paid fairly close attention to this and as I recall, the thing that Kasparov was most amazed by was not the day-to-day changes in the program’s play, but its ability to adapt to Kasparov’s trademark shifts [within]{style="font-style:italic"} a single game. :::