Yeah, it is at least a little about Text entry speed

Iggy says: I wonder if anybody really cares about text entry speeds in a time when cheap scanners and great OCR technologies are widely available. I doubt there is any relationship between text entry speeds and good writing or good coding which are text intensive activities…Most good writing or coding that i have done involved an iterative process that had some design or outlining (big picture analysis and all that) and then the laying out of text, and then some more design/outlining, and then more text or rearranging of the exisiting text. This process is not enhanced by faster text entry speeds…[via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} [Tablet PC hep!]

While it’s definitely true that editing and revising are crucial to writing / coding (and this is one of the reasons why the TIP isn’t the sole answer to creating a killer writing app on the Tablet), one of the things that has [really]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} struck me while working on Pynk is that it’s really unacceptable to take 30 seconds to get “[io.Ink.Strokes.ToString()]{style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'"}” into the machine.