The JavaOne drinking game!

::: {.Section1} Well, this’ll kill you: 

From the Webmink blog:

Along with Mary and others my session proposal for JavaOne was declined (see, working for Sun isn't the answer, Ted, maybe it's not a conspiracy against you?).

Never said it was; just means that Sun isn't letting anyone else up there to speak, either.

Proposal: [The JavaOne drinking game!]{style="font-weight:bold"} Every time...

  • [... a Sun employee gives a talk]{style=""}
  • [... a JavaOne speaker derides IBM]{style=""}
  • [... a JavaOne speaker says ".NOT" or derides Microsoft (double if they claim .NET can't run anywhere but Windows, triple if they say that .NET is a proprietary technology that isn't a standard but Java is)]{style=""}
  • [... there's an EJB 3 reference]{style=""}
  • [... there's a Hibernate reference]{style=""}
  • [... there's an "AOP" reference (particularly by somebody who's not really an AOP expert *cough* Bill Burke *cough* Marc Fleury *cough*)]{style=""}
  • [... a JavaOne speaker gives a talk on J2ME]{style=""}
  • [... a JavaOne speaker says "Write-Once Run Anywhere"]{style=""}

... you have to take a drink.

My guess is every player is smashed by lunchtime on the first day.

(Submit additional suggestions, and somebody reserve, quick!)


[The Mountain of Worthless Information] :::