::: {style="MARGIN-TOP: 0in; MARGIN-LEFT: 0in; WIDTH: 5.094in; DIRECTION: ltr"} ::: {style="MARGIN-TOP: 0in; MARGIN-LEFT: 0in; WIDTH: 1.31in; DIRECTION: ltr"} :::
::: {style="MARGIN-TOP: 0.049in; MARGIN-LEFT: 0in; WIDTH: 5.094in; DIRECTION: ltr"}
::: {style="MARGIN-TOP: 0.342in; MARGIN-LEFT: 0.164in; WIDTH: 5.046in; DIRECTION: ltr; HEIGHT: 72px"} Sweet. The simple trick is to use OneNote's "send email" capablity ::: :::
::: {style="TEXT-ALIGN: left"}
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