Wrox has begun producing low-cost DRM-free electronic content. Their initial product offering is nicely eclectic:
Leverage LINQ in ASP.NET 3.5 Projects
by Roger Jennings
This Wrox Blox introduces you to Language Integrated Query (LINQ), a .NET 3.5 application programming interface (API) and set of extensions to the Visual Basic and C# languages.
Working with Animation in Silverlight 1.0
by Mike Meyers
This Wrox Blox teaches you how to create animations using Microsoft's new platform for building rich Internet applications - Silverlight. This Wrox Blox introduces animation concepts and answers questions, such as when and why you want to use animation in your Web development.
iPhone and iPod touch Programming: Handling Touch Interactions and Events for Mobile Safari
by Richard Wagner
In this Wrox Blox, Richard Wagner explains touch input events and illustrates how to detect an orientation change, capture two-finger scrolling inputs, and simulate a drag-and-drop action.
Introduction to Google Gears: Creating Off-Line Applications with Pre-built Components.
by Todd Meister
This Wrox Blox provides you with the information you need to use the classes provided from Google. The core classes within Google Gears include Factory, Database, HttpRequest, LocalServer, Timer, and WorkerPool. By reading this Wrox Blox, you'll be able to determine when to use the different classes provided by Google Gears.
Building a Photo Gallery with Adobe AIR
by Todd A. Anderson
With your favorite text editor and the Flex 3 command-line tools in tow, this Wrox Blox walks you through building a desktop application, leveraging the Flex Framework to browse and manipulate images found on your local system.