- RT @rickasaurus: Astronomers Find Black Holes Do Not Absorb Dark Matter #space http://bit.ly/crdACo #
- Conservatives reacting with same fury & dismay that liberals reacted to Iraq 7 yrs ago. My theory: "we'll muddle along." #
- Resolver One (Python-powered and -programmable spreadsheet) is one of my 2-3 top new apps in the past decade. Buy it on 3/31 for \$40. #
- They just hit a sewer pipe at Hualalai Center http://twitpic.com/1aoinf #
- Content-Aware Fill http://bit.ly/bo77sq looks awesome, but will it be in CS5 or is it just a demo of a future capability? #
- My lack of graphic skill is killing me on this demo. Good code, but I just know that the reaction is going to be "Ugh! That's not pretty!" #
- As I look at a piece of JavaScript '));});' I think how amusing it is that people complain about LISP's parentheses #
- Heavy vog today in Kona... :-( #
- Almost pau hana... #
- Pau hana! No work til Monday... #
- What is the equivalent of GGeoXml in Google Maps API 3? #lazyweb #google_maps #geolocating #
- I love it when a plan comes together... #
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