Configuring Google +1 Button With Word Press and Bad Behavior Plugin

The very valuable Bad Behavior plugin for WordPress causes conflicts with Google's recently introduced +1 button. The fix is very simple.

Symptoms: When you attempt to "+1" on a Word Press site that is using the Bad Behavior plugin, the +1 icon appears for a few seconds and then is replaced with a red exclamation point Error Icon that links to

Solution: Whitelist the Google-owned netblock in Bad Behavior's "" file:

  1. Confirm that I'm telling the truth about who owns that block: open a terminal and run a whois
  2. In your /wp-content/plugins/bad-behavior/bad-behavior folder open the file and add the netblock to the \$bb2_whitelist_ip_ranges array:

[sourcecode language="php"]\$bb2_whitelist_ip_ranges = array(
"",    // Digg whitelisted as of 2.0.12
"",    // Digg whitelisted as of 2.0.12
//        "",
Save the file to your server and you should be all set.

  1. Donate some money to the Bad Behavior plugin project...