Reviewing Values for iOS UIViewContentMode with Xamarin and F#

Who can remember the scaling behavior of UIView.ContentMode? Not me!

So I wrote this quick little F# program to review them:

[code lang="fsharp"]
namespace Simple

open System
open MonoTouch.UIKit
open MonoTouch.Foundation
open System.Drawing

type ContentView ( color : UIColor ) as self =
inherit UIView ()
self.BackgroundColor \< - color

type ContentModeModel () =
inherit UIPickerViewModel ()

let T = typedefof\<UIViewContentMode>

let selectionChanged = Event\<_>()

member this.SelectionChanged = selectionChanged.Publish

override this.GetRowsInComponent(_, _) = Enum.GetNames(T).Length

override this.GetTitle(_, row : int, _) = Enum.GetName(T, row)

override this.GetComponentCount(_) = 1

override this.Selected(_, row : int, _) = selectionChanged.Trigger(enum\<UIViewContentMode>(row))

type SimpleController ( ) =
inherit UIViewController ()

override this.ViewDidLoad () =
this.View \< - new ContentView(UIColor.Blue)

let imgView = new UIImageView(new RectangleF(20.0F, 80.0F, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width - 40.0F, 100.0F))
imgView.Image \<- UIImage.FromFile("flower.png")
imgView.ClipsToBounds \<- true

let picker = new UIPickerView(new RectangleF(20.0F, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height - 180.0F, 250.0F, 140.0F))
let model = new ContentModeModel()
picker.Model \<- model

model.SelectionChanged.Add \<| fun newMode -> imgView.ContentMode \< - newMode


[\<Register ("AppDelegate")>]
type AppDelegate () =
inherit UIApplicationDelegate ()

let window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds)

// This method is invoked when the application is ready to run.
override this.FinishedLaunching (app, options) =
let viewController = new SimpleController()
window.RootViewController \< - viewController
window.MakeKeyAndVisible ()

module Main =
let main args =
UIApplication.Main (args, null, "AppDelegate")

No real interesting techniques, but another nice quick iOS app in Xamarin using F#.
