Tilera 64-core CPU: The Future Cometh
Looks like the only programming tools for Tilera's 64-Core CPU is a C compiler, but the day is fast approaching when we're going to start seeing more and more of these types of tools in the mainstream.
more ...Looks like the only programming tools for Tilera's 64-Core CPU is a C compiler, but the day is fast approaching when we're going to start seeing more and more of these types of tools in the mainstream.
more ...The owners of Patent 5,056,000 have whacked Sony with a suit, on the basis that the Cell processor in the PS3 is a violator. The claims seem center on the idea of an "interconnection switch" that locks the access of a single processor to a particular bank of …
more ...The very good Threading Building Blocks library from Intel, released last year around this time as 1.0 and being updated soon, has been \<a href="http://www.intel.com/pressroom/archive/releases/20070724fact.htm%3fiid%3dpr1_releasepri_20070724fact"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">open-sourced by Intel. This is a …
more ...more ...We're hiring developers and testers for the Parallel Computing team in Microsoft's Developer Division....[Contact] joedu at microsoft dot com if you are interested.
\<a href="http://www.knowing.net/images/BecomingThe1SoftwareDevelopmentBlog_A1C1/image_4.png"" atomicselection="true">
I figure I'll be the #1 programming blog by the end of the month.
more ...Microsoft's GPGPU programming library: Microsoft Research Accelerator Project
more ...Maybe the readers of my blog are more astute (and better looking!) than average, but I was happy that several comments to my recent post on type inference were properly dismissive of what one called "the static vs. dynamic holy war." As I said when writing about the myth of …
more ...\<a href="http://www.backbaypress.com/skylines.html"" target="_blank" atomicselection="true" rel="noopener noreferrer"> Since LiveWriter Beta seems to not delay publishing until the "Set publish date" time (it just time-stamps them later, which is just annoying), I will be going dark for a few days of travel. In …
more ...NVidia's Tesla C870 Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) will be the basis for a "deskside supercomputer" add-on that will provide highly-parallel high performance computing (HPC) capabilities, presumably programmed with \<a href="http://developer.nvidia.com/object/cuda.html"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">NVidia's CUDA toolkit.
Dedicated hardware for HPC has …
more ...I hesitate to call Mark McKeown's \<a href="http://betathoughts.blogspot.com/2007/06/brief-history-of-consensus-2pc-and.html"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Brief History of Consensus, 2PC, and Transaction Commit (via just about everyone, but let's say Bill de h?ra) a "blog post." It reads much more like a darn …
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