Tilera 64-core CPU: The Future Cometh

Looks like the only programming tools for Tilera's 64-Core CPU is a C compiler, but the day is fast approaching when we're going to start seeing more and more of these types of tools in the mainstream.

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Broad Patent on Shared-Memory Parallel Processing Basis for Suit Against Sony (Tip of the Pyramid?)

The owners of Patent 5,056,000 have whacked Sony with a suit, on the basis that the Cell processor in the PS3 is a violator. The claims seem center on the idea of an "interconnection switch" that locks the access of a single processor to a particular bank of …

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Intel Open-Sources Its Excellent Threading Building Blocks Library

The very good Threading Building Blocks library from Intel, released last year around this time as 1.0 and being updated soon, has been \<a href="http://www.intel.com/pressroom/archive/releases/20070724fact.htm%3fiid%3dpr1_releasepri_20070724fact"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">open-sourced by Intel.  This is a …

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Microsoft's Parallel Computing Team Is Hiring

We're hiring developers and testers for the Parallel Computing team in Microsoft's Developer Division....[Contact] joedu at microsoft dot com if you are interested.

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Concurrency Tutorials Via LOLCuteness

\<a href="http://www.knowing.net/images/BecomingThe1SoftwareDevelopmentBlog_A1C1/image_4.png"" atomicselection="true">

I figure I'll be the #1 programming blog by the end of the month.

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Moving Beyond The Typing Debate?

Maybe the readers of my blog are more astute (and better looking!) than average, but I was happy that several comments to my recent post on type inference were properly dismissive of what one called "the static vs. dynamic holy war." As I said when writing about the myth of …

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Happy Birthday, America!

\<a href="http://www.backbaypress.com/skylines.html"" target="_blank" atomicselection="true" rel="noopener noreferrer"> Since LiveWriter Beta seems to not delay publishing until the "Set publish date" time (it just time-stamps them later, which is just annoying), I will be going dark for a few days of travel. In …

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NVIDIA's Tesla Takes the Second G Out of GPGPU

NVidia's Tesla C870 Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) will be the basis for a "deskside supercomputer" add-on that will provide highly-parallel high performance computing (HPC) capabilities, presumably programmed with \<a href="http://developer.nvidia.com/object/cuda.html"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">NVidia's CUDA toolkit.

Dedicated hardware for HPC has …

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Interested in Deep Understanding of Concurrency? Read Mark McKeown

I hesitate to call Mark McKeown's \<a href="http://betathoughts.blogspot.com/2007/06/brief-history-of-consensus-2pc-and.html"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Brief History of Consensus, 2PC, and Transaction Commit (via just about everyone, but let's say Bill de h?ra) a "blog post." It reads much more like a darn …

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