From Whalesharks To Leopard Spheres

One of my big weekend projects (for longer than I care to think) has been trying to create a pipeline for identifying individual whalesharks from photos. The project had kind of grown moribund as I repeatedly failed to get any decent level of recognition despite using what I thought was …

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Deep Whalesharks

Whalesharks are the largest fish in the ocean, but very little is known about their movements (where they breed, for instance, has been a huge mystery, although there's now pretty good evidence that some, at least, breed in the Galapagos).

Whalesharks have a "fingerprint" in the form of distinct spots …

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Keras is the Deep Learning Toolkit You Have Been Waiting For

I remember a time when "learning about computers" invariably started with the phrase "computers only operate on 0s and 1s…" Things could vary a little for a few minutes, but then you'd get to the meat of things: Boolean logic. "All computer programs are formed from these 'logic gates'…"

I …

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The Half-Baked Neural Net APIs of iOS 10

iOS 10 contains 2 sets of APIs relating to Artificial Neural Nets and Deep Learning, aka The New New Thing. Unfortunately, both APIs are bizarrely incomplete: they allow you to specify the topology of the neural net, but have no facility for training.

I say this is "bizarre" for two …

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An Agile Thought Experiment

A team, unaccustomed to but enthusiastic about moving towards agile methodologies, begins an important project. The project has many facets and a number of strong developers, so it seems natural for the developers to concentrate on a single aspect: Adam is associated with the Widget feature, Barbara focuses on the …

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Advice From An Old Programmer

Advice From An Old Programmer — Learn Python The Hard Way, 2nd Edition.

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Programming as a profession....can be a good job, but you could make about the same money and be happier running a fast food …

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Computer Science Grads Get Most Job Offers

According to this release, Computer Science majors had the highest percentage of job offers of any major.

I have to admit to being somewhat surprised at this, as I thought the trend toward offshore development was still driving down the market for young developers.

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MS Concurrency Guru Speaks of "new operating system"

If you are interested in high-performance programming on Windows, you know the name Joe Duffy, whose book Concurrent Programming On Windows is absolutely top-notch.

Today he posted an intriguing notice on his blog "We are hiring." Check out some of the things he says:

My team's responsibility spans multiple aspects …

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IronPython 2.0 & Microsoft Research Infer.NET 2.2

 import sys import clr sys.path.append("c:\\program files\\Microsoft Research\\Infer.NET 2.2\\bin\\debug") clr.AddReferenceToFile("Infer.Compiler.dll") clr.AddReferenceToFile("Infer.Runtime.dll") from MicrosoftResearch.Infer import * from MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Models import * from MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Distributions import *  firstCoin = Variable[bool].Bernoulli(0.5) secondCoin = Variable …
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Fast Ranking Algorithm: Astonishing Paper by Raykar, Duraiswami, and Krishnapuram

The July 08 (Vol. 30, #7) IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence has an incredible paper by Raykar, Duraiswami, and Krishnapuram. A Fast Algorithm for Learning a Ranking Function from Large-Scale Data Sets appears to be a game-changer for an incredibly important problem in machine learning. Basically, they …

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