WWDC Remote Viewing Protips

I attended the 2015 WWDC and made these notes afterwards. Aside from the specifics re. the Apple Watch and AppleTV, they may be of value to those who are considering streaming sessions next week:

WWDC: Post-show Streaming is the Key to Value

From an editorial perspective, one thing that is …

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Why You Should Watch WWDC Session Streams

From an editorial perspective, one thing that is clear about WWDC is that the main audience for the sessions is not the developers in attendance, but the much more diverse, more diffuse, and more transient on-line audience that will view the videos over the next months and even years.


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Mars Climate Orbiter, Python, and Type Systems...

::: {style="font-size: 10pt;"} Faithful readers know that I'm learning Scala, somewhat reluctantly. A few weeks ago, I was reading New Scientist magazine and saw this writeup of Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google, which mentioned that he was on the review board that studied the crash of the Mars …

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Microsoft's Intriguing Code Bubbles Projects Becomes Debugging Tool

I haven't used this, but I talked briefly with the Code Bubbles developers about 18 months ago and thought that debugging would be the perfect fit. Seems like someone at MSR agreed:

Debugger Canvas - Microsoft Research.

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Knowing Scala: Exercise 1

Taking my own 15 Exercises to Know A Programming Language as a starting point for my exploration of Scala...

The first set of exercises are right up the alley of a language with pattern-matching and list-processing:

Write a program that takes as its first argument one of the words ‘sum …

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Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer for Ruby

Saikuro : A Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer.

Function complexity does not seem to be a great problem in the Ruby world, but tracking cyclomatic complexity is one of those things that can help pinpoint troubled modules.

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ResolverOne: Best Spreadsheet Wins $17K

ResolverOne is one of my favorite applications in the past few years. It's a spreadsheet powered by IronPython. Spreadsheets are among the most powerful intellectual tools ever developed: if you can solve your problem with a spreadsheet, a spreadsheet is probably the fastest way to solve it. Yet there are …

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IronPython 2.0 & Microsoft Research Infer.NET 2.2

 import sys import clr sys.path.append("c:\\program files\\Microsoft Research\\Infer.NET 2.2\\bin\\debug") clr.AddReferenceToFile("Infer.Compiler.dll") clr.AddReferenceToFile("Infer.Runtime.dll") from MicrosoftResearch.Infer import * from MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Models import * from MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Distributions import *  firstCoin = Variable[bool].Bernoulli(0.5) secondCoin = Variable …
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IronRuby Previews Form Designer

From SapphireSteel, the makers of IronRuby, comes the first peek at an IronRuby visual design surface.

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