New Visual Studio Edition for Database Work

Microsoft today announced a new version of VS "for database professionals." It seems that the emphasis is on maintaining database integrity while evolving the data model: a worthy first goal. Perhaps as significant as the release itself is the way in which the SKU has been developed: the team was …

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AI for Poker

::: {style="MARGIN-TOP: 0in; MARGIN-LEFT: 0in; WIDTH: 2.445in; DIRECTION: ltr"} AI for Poker :::

::: {style="MARGIN-TOP: 0.049in; MARGIN-LEFT: 0in; WIDTH: 1.486in; DIRECTION: ltr"} Sunday, May 28, 2006

9:28 PM :::

Daniel Crenna, one of the finalists in the "Made in Express" contest, felt I went too far in dismissing …

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VS2005 Add-In Project Doesn't Appear in "Tools" Menu: Workaround

For me, the VS2005 "Extensibility Project"|"Visual Studio Add-In" wizard doesn't produce the expected result -- the add-in doesn't register itself with VS. I've tried this on two machines and it fails on both. Registering an add-in is done via an XML file with a .AddIn extension that (documentation indicates) should …

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Windows Media Player SDK 10 in C# or VB.NET

The WMPlayer10SDK does not contain the expected primary interop assembly (PIA) so that Windows Media Player can be programmed from .NET languages such as Visual Basic and C#. The WMP 9 SDK puts a PIA in the /redist directory. However, the WMP10 SDK can be programmed in a managed language …

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ReSharper 2.0 Released

I get 'em all for free: this is one I pay for out of my own pocket.

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Microsoft .NET LINQ Preview (May 2006)

::: {.Section1}

[\< ?xml:namespace prefix = o /\>New preview of LINQ now available on MSDN downloads: ]{style="COLOR: #1f497d"} [More on this **tk** ]{style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; COLOR: #1f497d; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri"}


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