IronPython as a Foundation for DSLs

The release of IronPython is, in and of itself, A Good Thing. But maybe the best thing is that it's a shared-source release with a very reasonable license. Not because I'm a utopian about the quality of open source, but because I really quite like the code structure. Apropos my …

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IronPython Goes Gold!

Alright! Jim Hugunin et al. have shipped IronPython 1.0. You can get it at CodePlex.

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XNA GSE Won't Render Games Under VMWare

Oh, bummer! Given that XNA GSE is a beta and given that it requires C# Express, not Visual Studio, I installed it in a VMWare OS, but when I went to run the sample SpaceWar game, I received a "No suitable graphics" message. I think that leaves me out of …

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Article on Using OpenMP with C++/CLI

My latest article on DevX shows how easy it is (in the best case) to use OpenMP with C++/CLI. OpenMP is a low-level library to help create concurrent operations. One of things I talk about in the article is that it is at the finest-grain (loops) and the coarsest-grain …

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ParallelApply: Distribute Calculations Over Multicore / Processors

This code applies a BackgroundFunction to elements of an IEnumerable using the ThreadPool. If you don't know what that means, it's probably not of interest to you:

::: {style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; BACKGROUND: white; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Courier New"} [   10]{style="COLOR: #2b91af"}     [delegate]{style="COLOR: blue"} [void]{style="COLOR: blue"} [BackgroundFunction …

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XNA Game Studio Express

Microsoft has announced (well, not announced, but Gamasutra just spilled the beans) XNA Game Studio Express,  a free product which will allow independents and studios to write games for the XBox 360. It will actually cost \$99 to be able to deploy your games to the 360.

Oh, hey and …

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Missed Opportunity: Visual Studio Express Might Have Been Shipped with Vista

This one just shot through the blogosphere: the idea that VS Express might have been bundled with Vista. Although I do not believe that is actually a "beginner's" language, that there could have been such a powerful environment broadly available is a sorely missed opportunity.

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Missed Opportunity: Visual Studio Express Might Have Been Shipped with Vista

This one just shot through the blogosphere: the idea that VS Express might have been bundled with Vista. Although I do not believe that is actually a "beginner's" language, that there could have been such a powerful environment broadly available is a sorely missed opportunity.

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Drools (Java-based inference engine) ported to .NET

Drools.NET is a port of the Drools library to .NET. I have a bg, big architectural decision coming up for a client and I am debating about whether to tackle the issue with an inference engine or a scripting language. So I've been looking at Drools pretty closely. It's …

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Jeff Atwood pooh-poohs quad core systems. I disagree.

Jeff Atwood, of Coding Horror, says that "the benefits of moving to quad core and beyond are less clear." He produces some numbers to reveal that many of today's processor-intensive applications (media, gaming, databases, etc.) are not multithreaded and, therefore, do not run significantly faster on multicore machines. He observes …

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