DSL Writers: Put Turing Completeness Out Of Your Mind

At the recent DSL DevCon, Martin Fowler gave an excellent keynote speech discussing domain-specific languages, an important subject that seems certain to be the buzzword of the next year or two.

However, one slide of his got my goat, leading me to foam at the mouth, beat the table with …

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ResolverOne: Best Spreadsheet Wins $17K

ResolverOne is one of my favorite applications in the past few years. It's a spreadsheet powered by IronPython. Spreadsheets are among the most powerful intellectual tools ever developed: if you can solve your problem with a spreadsheet, a spreadsheet is probably the fastest way to solve it. Yet there are …

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IronPython 2.0 & Microsoft Research Infer.NET 2.2

 import sys import clr sys.path.append("c:\\program files\\Microsoft Research\\Infer.NET 2.2\\bin\\debug") clr.AddReferenceToFile("Infer.Compiler.dll") clr.AddReferenceToFile("Infer.Runtime.dll") from MicrosoftResearch.Infer import * from MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Models import * from MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Distributions import *  firstCoin = Variable[bool].Bernoulli(0.5) secondCoin = Variable …
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Iron is the New Sharp

Some d00d named Leppie has written a \<a href="http://xacc.wordpress.com/"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Lisp for the DLR [via Jason Bock]

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Silverlight, Why Do You Taunt Me So?

Silverlight steadfastly refuses to install on my development Tablet PC or in my "Orcas Beta" Virtual PC. Those are the only two machines on which I'll put an under-development CLR, since experience has shown that it can be very difficult to cleanly uninstall anything in Microsoft's browser-CLR-plugin axis. This is …

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SubSonic: .NET-based Database Access Layer akin to Ruby's ActiveRecord

Via  Rob Connery Interviewed by Miguel de Icaza, I took a quick look at SubSonic, which appears to be a good solution in the ASP.NET world for very rapidly generating Create-Retrieve-Update-Delete functionality pages that honor database foreign keys.

One of the dazzlers in the Ruby world is a library …

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Microsoft.Scripting: Someone's Going to Have to Target This With Antlr

The source code to the Microsoft.Scripting namespace is available at http://www.codeplex.com/IronPython/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=438

A review of the IronPython codebase in the release makes the early-stage processing look pretty close to the (well-designed) IronPython 1.0 release: there's a language-specific tokenizer, parser, AST …

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Dynamic Language Runtime / IronRuby Inst-analysis

That Microsoft was going to increase support for dynamic languages is no surprise: they've been talking about that since (at least) PDC '03 and various hires and initiatives have clearly been in the works. I haven't seen the DLR yet, but my big question is: what version / runtime / patch level …

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IronRuby announced

Scott Guthrie just announced IronRuby! Yeehaw!!!!!!


Silverlight binding; demoing on Mac


Dynamic Language Runtime announced


"Shipping later this week" (I'm sure he means shipping a beta / CTP)


Uses Ruby naming scheme when programming .NET libraries (weird. Not sure I like that.)


"Switch the console into Python mode, Ruby mode, VB …

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MSTest Moving to VS Pro

Naysawn has announced that the Visual Studio unit testing framework (MSTest) is moving into the Pro SKU of Visual Studio. That's a good start, but I want to lobby for going the whole way:

Please move the unit testing framework into the .NET framework.

Source: MSTest Moving to VS Pro …

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