Dare Obasanjo has an article on COmega

Introducing COmega is a good overview of what is probably the most obviously startling thing about COmega -- it's attempt to bridge XML / Object / Relational worlds with built-in syntax. I'm not sure that this is going to be COmega's biggest contribution to the mainstream (I suspect that it's threading techniques using …

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Free Widgets

Through this weekend, you can get a free copy of Graphics Server .NET: Widgets Edition

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To get your free copy (download only - physical product available for just the shipping charge) just go through our order process.  Offer good through January 16, 2005.

[Via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} [Johnson's …

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Donald Francis O'Brien, July 3, 1930 - January 3, 2005

My father just died after a struggle with cancer. I won't be posting for a bit.

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Recycled ebook: I Am Charlotte Simmons

I bought Tom Wolfe's "I Am Charlotte Simmons" from http://www.ereader.com/ and enjoyed it well emough, but don't think I'll ever re-read it. I'm willing to pass on the file (in ereaders's proprietary format) to the first person who asks for it. Send me an email -- lobrien -atsign- …

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Blink Working!

Ah hah! No leading / on the FTP Path: www/knowing.net/images


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Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

First, the more serious resolutions inspired by the tsunami tragedy:

  • treasure loved ones and the short time we get in this life;
  • give more;
  • be more humble about the affairs of Man

Second, the fun ones:

  • do a 3 minute free-dive (my personal best is a 2:51 dive in …
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Ink-Based Wiki: Should I Go Smart Client?

I am working on “Weka Wiki”: an ink-based Wiki (”Weka” being the Hawaiian word for “squid ink”). All pages will be rendered on any machine (as bitmaps on mundane machines), but the only way to edit ink-based pages will be with a Tablet PC. My question for the inkernet: when …

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AdSense revenues to disaster relief -- a no brainer

Greg Hughes came up with the idea of donating all AdSense revenue pending at the new year to disaster relief.

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Windows Journal Reader Supplemental Component

Journal Reader Component for Tablet PC SDK 1.7  [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Microsoft Download Center]

Note that the documentation contains samples that read " Dim jntReader As New Microsoft.Ink.JournalReader()" and similar. In fact, you can't construct a JournalReader object, you'll use the static (shared in VB.NET) method …

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COmega and Concurrency: The Next Important Thing


blockquote style='margin-top:5.0pt;margin-bottom:5.0pt'>

Because CPU speeds have topped off recently even though I/O speeds continue to increase, Herb Sutter posits that the Moore's Law free performance lunch is over [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Marquee de Sells: Chris's insight outlet]

Concurrency is at the stage …

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