Fascinating: Language Exposure Must Be Live, Not Recorded

Infants exposed to a Mandarin-speaking adult for less than 5 hours (25-minute sessions over 4 weeks) were "able to distinguish phonetic elements of that language." Very impressive. But infants exposed to a similar amount of speech delivered over DVD could not. Fascinating. General-audience article here (via The Old New Thing …

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Microsoft's Conflation of DRM/Security Patching is Serious

Microsoft rapidly pushed out, via Windows LiveUpdate, a patch to invalidate the FairUse4WM application, which strips the Digital Rights Management (anti-copying) mechanism of Windows Media Player. Most comments on this have spoken of the apparently greater zeal applied to DRM than to security, but the incident is far more infuriating …

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IronPython as a Foundation for DSLs

The release of IronPython is, in and of itself, A Good Thing. But maybe the best thing is that it's a shared-source release with a very reasonable license. Not because I'm a utopian about the quality of open source, but because I really quite like the code structure. Apropos my …

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40 Quatloos On the Newcomers!

Amazon has released "Unbox," their video purchase / download service. TV shows are \\(1.99 each and you get \\)1.99 rebate on your first purchase. They've got all 3 seasons of Star Trek and I'm greatly tempted to have colorful glowing brains wagering quatloos (until Kirk teaches 'em what real …

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Two Views On Ruby Columns Now Online

The September 1st issue of SD Times contains two opinions on Ruby, "It Isn't All A Gem," by Andrew Binstock and my "Crossing the Chasm." Allen Holub's column "Just Say No to XML" is also provocative. As usual, surface disagreements belie underlying agreements: there is nothing that either Andrew or …

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Geeks In Paradise: On Being A High-Tech Professional In Hawai'i

A commenter on a recent post asked a question I get quite a bit, namely, "What's the market in Hawai'i for high-tech professionals?" The short answer is that in Honolulu it's great and that every place else in the state it's poor. Honolulu's a million-person city and has banks and …

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Quit BookMooch Book-Sharing Site

BookMooch is a good idea -- give a book, get a point, get a book, take a point -- but the logistics proved too off-putting for me. Not that they were egregious, but given my life, the last thing I need is another errand on my "to do" list.

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Folding@Home on the PS3: Networkless XNA Seems Forlorn

Sony's written a Folding\@Home client for the PS3 and is getting excellent PR for the power of the Cell processor in the PS3. The various "\@home" distributed computing projects struck me as a good example of the type of coding that was more likely to be possible on the …

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Turbos Are Here!

Wow, what a great day: First, IronPython 1.0 is released and now comes word that Turbo Delphi, C#, and C++ are free for download.

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IronPython Goes Gold!

Alright! Jim Hugunin et al. have shipped IronPython 1.0. You can get it at CodePlex.

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