Caption Contest

It's the guy in back that makes the photo.

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NY Times Notable Books

I'm not even going that I'll get around to reading A history of the first multiethnic upwardly mobile society in America, but the NY Times Notable Books of the Year are out. Here are the fiction ones that look good to me (basically, this is just a reminder to myself …

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The Architecture of the World Wide Web

[The Mountain of Worthless Information] mentioned this but their link was wrong. Important paper.

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Don't Put Wetnotes In Your Laserjet

Ritchie WetNotes are fantastic. They're waterproof paper. So waterproof that you can use them SCUBA diving. So there are some reef-fish whose fieldmarks are really hard to remember, and I have computer notes and drawings. So I thinks to myself, “Self,” I thinks, “I wonder if you can use your …

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"I Am Charlotte Simmons," By Tom Wolfe

Tom Wolfe's I Am Charlotte Simmons is better than I expected. It's not Bonfire of the Vanities or A Man in Full, but below-average Wolfe is still better than 90% of the stuff being passed off for literature nowadays, such as the execrable The Rule of Four which would never …

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Long's Drugs uses a no-longer-secret code to indicate wholesale price on tags

Long's Drugs uses a simple letter/number code to indicate on its price tags the wholesale cost for each item on sale. The code has been cracked [via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} [Boing Boing]

The substitution at Long’s is CHARLESTON (where C = 1, H = 2, etc.). Wal-mart’s code is …

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Kasparov revisited

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[Back in 1997, Garry Kasparov played six rounds of chess against IBM's Deep Blue computer. Kasparov is, possibly, the greatest chess player of all time. He won one round, battled to a draw in three... [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Alice and]]{style=""}

Apparently there’s a new …

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VS2005 November CTP (Standard Edition) now available!

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[The Visual Studio 2005 November CTP (Community Technology Preview) drop is now available on MSDN.  This is actually the FIRST CTP of the Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition (which I announced at VSLive! In Orlando back in September to round out the family of VS2005 products.  This contains support …

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Improved Ink Recognition in Office

Fuhgeddabout desktop search, Microsoft's released improved ink recognition in Office.

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Sims 2 incompatible with tfswctrl Error Message: "Insert correct cd rom"

There are a million people out there struggling with the Sims 2, which has stupid, customer-hostile blocks and guards against all sorts of CD-R software. The symptom is that when you run the program, it tells you to “insert the correct cd rom” (despite, obviously, having the correct cd-rom / dvd …

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