Hair-Tearing-Out-Thing Explainer (Provisioning Profiles):

There is a company called Round Red Food. They make brain-phones and brain-watches and brain-televisions. These brain-things run brain-books written by Round Red Food. But Round Red Food also allows other people to write brain-books.

Round Red Food wants to control what brain-books run on their brain-things. To do this …

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Animating the stroke color of a CAShapeLayer with Xamarin

I wanted to indicate the most recent move in an AI-on-AI game of TicTacToe, so I wanted to have the most recent move be highlighted. The Xs and Os are CAShapeLayer objects.

Here's the code to do it, ~~featuring a very ugly hack to cast an IntPtr to an NSObject …

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TideMonkey: Development Diary 0

I am publicly committing to developing “TideMonkey,” a tide-prediction application that will run on (at least) iOS and watchOS.

TideMonkey will be based on Xtide, an excellent piece of software developed by David Flater. At the moment, my hope is that it will be a very loose port, or what …

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GameplayKit path-finding in iOS 9 with Xamarin.iOS

Easy-peasy, lemon-squeazy:

[code lang="csharp"]
var a = GKGraphNode2D.FromPoint (new Vector2 (0, 5));
var b = GKGraphNode2D.FromPoint (new Vector2 (3, 0));
var c = GKGraphNode2D.FromPoint (new Vector2 (2, 6));
var d = GKGraphNode2D.FromPoint (new Vector2 (4, 6));
var e = GKGraphNode2D.FromPoint (new Vector2 (6, 5));
var f = GKGraphNode2D.FromPoint (new …

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FizzBuzz with iOS 9 GameplayKit Expert System in C# with Xam.iOS

OK, so this is silly, but:

[code lang="csharp"]
var clearRule = GKRule.FromPredicate ((rules) => reset, rules => {
output = "";
reset = false;
clearRule.Salience = 1;

var fizzRule = GKRule.FromPredicate (mod (3), rules => {
output += "fizz";
fizzRule.Salience = 2;
var buzzRule = GKRule.FromPredicate (mod (5), rules => {
output += "buzz";
buzzRule.Salience = 2;

var outputRule = GKRule.FromPredicate …

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Why You Should Watch WWDC Session Streams

From an editorial perspective, one thing that is clear about WWDC is that the main audience for the sessions is not the developers in attendance, but the much more diverse, more diffuse, and more transient on-line audience that will view the videos over the next months and even years.


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How to: Handoff to a Xamarin iPhone app from Apple Watch

# How to: Handoff to a Xamarin iPhone app from Apple Watch

There are two ways to activate the parent (aka container) app from an Apple Watch app. You can either directly activate the container app using WKInterfaceController.OpenParentApplication or you can use Handoff.

Using Handoff is a little more complex …

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Programming WatchKit with F#

Disclaimer: This is just a hack. I’m not in any position to make announcements about stuff, but Xamarin loves F# and I’m sure that better solutions than this are forthcoming. But this was fun to get running, so…

Xamarin just released it’s Preview of Watch Kit support …

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Experiment in Auto-Generated UML as a Documentation Tool

I wrote a program to automatically generate class diagrams, filtered by coupling. Here is the result for CoreBluetooth in iOS:

Screenshot 2014-12-20 08.33.14

You can see there are clusters around CBPeer, CBPeripheral, and CBCentral and that CBCharacteristic is another class with lots of references.

Obviously, huge class diagrams are more noise than signal …

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Good Bye, Dr. Dobb's

Today comes the shitty news that Dr. Dobb's (...Journal of Computer Calisthenics and Orthodontia) is shutting down.

I would not have had the career I have had without DDJ: first as an inspiration, then as a competitor, and then as the last torch of technically rigorous, personally-voiced but professionally edited …

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