Eminem lip synching on SNL
After last week, you'd think that Saturday Night Live would avoid lip synching for, I dunno', a week or two anyway, but Eminem not only was clearly lip synching, he did a terrible job!
more ...After last week, you'd think that Saturday Night Live would avoid lip synching for, I dunno', a week or two anyway, but Eminem not only was clearly lip synching, he did a terrible job!
more ...James Snell is angry that his vote for Bush won't count, because he lives in California. (I mean, it will count, but California is considered a lock for Kerry.) If I still lived in California I'd be angry because my vote for Kerry wouldn't count (I mean, it would, but …
more ...Dave Jaquay is leaving the .NET world and returning to Java. He sees C# and Java as comparable languages (giving the edge to C#) but is excited about switching Visual Studio for Eclipse. It's an interesting read. I'm doing some Java work now and using Eclipse. A few things I …
more ...My latest article on programming the TabletPC is up on DevX.
more ...Oh, how I wish I had an Audiovox SMT5600. I think it's what I want: an MP3 player and digital voice recorder that I can to use to occasionally make phone calls. Seriously. Hey, Scoble, you said that it was good as a phone-first, data-device second -- what about my scenario …
more ...The new Photo Story 3, which is really pretty good, is freely available for download at http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/photostory/default.mspx
more ...(Back to software development, at least until Game 4 tonight...)
Microsoft has announced a framework and tools for creating Domain Specific Languages in Visual Studio Team System. Your very own DSL will be powered by the same modeling engine that powers the “Whitehorse” Distributed Systems Designer.
Whether this will be …
more ...Wayne Allen wonders if there's an assumption that geeks lean left. I've always detected a very strong libertarian streak in geeks: “fiscally conservative, socially liberal.” I think it's because libertarianism is the Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work -- don't spend money on things you don't need, don't tell people what …
more ...Are the Undecided's thinking about The Big Issues -- Terrorism, Iraq, Economy, Domestic Policy, Foreign Relations -- and failing to come to a conclusion, or do they just lump it all together into a gut feeling as to whether Bush or Kerry will cause more good / less harm?
Terrorism: the thing about …
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