Ozzie, Mundie up. Ballmer stays.

Ozzie is going to assume the "chief software architect," role, Mundie is going to become the chief strategist. Stock market reaction forthcoming...

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Gates Press Release


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As goes Scoble, goes Gates...

Bill Gates is going to step down in August 2008. Details tk.

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Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Sanctuary

Good environmental news is all too rare: The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands have become the world's largest protected oceanic environment.

A few weeks ago we saw a presentation by the author of "Archipelago." Her photos were incredible, but the thing that stuck with me was the statistic that 55% of the …

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Assertions work: Empirical Study

You probably knew that there was a correlation between assertion and defect density, but here's a paper that proves it.


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Nick Hodges Becomes Product Manager of Delphi

Nick Hodges has been named Product Manager of Delphi at "DevCo," the to-be-named, to-be-formalized spin-off of Borland's languages division. His blog.

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Learning Lisp or Ruby

My favorite technical book of the past year was Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel. Believe me, if it could convince me to return to Lisp, it's a well-written book.

However, all the cool kids are learning Ruby. Ruby has some Lisp-like flexibility in comparison to more popular languages like …

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Can't We All Just Interoperate, Part 2

Success! I can access Tablet SDK functionality from Java. Rather than use COM, my original tactic, I did what I joked about: used C++/CLI so that the call is Java->Unmanaged C++->C (Win32)->Managed C++! Pretty funny, but not all that hard to follow in the source code …

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Visual Studio: Database Edition CTP Now Available

The first CTP drop of the new VS2005 geared for DBAs is now available for download.

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Morgenstern on Vista Flash Technologies

eWeek's David Morgenstern is skeptical of Microsoft's ReadyBoost and ReadyDrive technologies. These are Vista capabilities that allow flash memory to increase apparent RAM and speed boot times respectively. As far as ReadyBoost goes, I agree: the idea of depending on a USB dongle to increase RAM seems very hinky to …

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