Facts Fail To Impress The Superstitious. Film at 11.

Andrew Cooper, a local astronomer, laments the continued belief in astrology, which apparently is so detached from the facts that they'll print "The Sun has entered Aries," when, due to precession, the Sun is still well inside Pisces.

Hawai'i is a place of deep spirituality, both mainstream and New Age …

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From Theory to iPhone, Pt. 3: A Diversion Into Ruby

As far as I know, you cannot program the iPhone with Ruby. However, you can program OS X Cocoa applications with Ruby and, as a learning experience, it's very helpful.

I am coming to believe that the biggest barrier to learning how to program Cocoa are tutorials that emphasize the …

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Pragmatic Bookshelf Goes Kindle-Compatible

The Pragmatic Bookshelf  is going Kindle and iPhone compatible, with support for .epub (iPhone) and .mobi (Kindle) formats.

I just downloaded RubyCocoa on the Kindle and it looks excellent -- with listings in monospaced font! -- but most of my other books are not yet available in Kindle format.

Pragmatic Programmers have …

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My Most Popular Posts

In response to a request from the esteemed Director of the FBI Blogs, these are some of the blog posts that have gotten the most traffic through the years:

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FBI Bloggers: From Big Island


I'm honored to be part of the FBI Blogs link-cycle. Although, having lived here only five years, I still feel very much a newcomer to the island.

I don't blog much about Hawai'i or the Big Island because I figure that most people subscribe to this site in order to …

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Oslo Column Now Available...

My latest SD Times column is the first of a short series on Oslo.

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Idea: Solar Energy Test Kit

I wish that I could put something the size of, say, a briefcase on my roof, leave it there for a month, bring it down, plug in a USB cord, and read "A solar water heater would have generated X% of your hotwater needs. A PV installation of X panels …

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Ultrafast Battery Recharging Breakthrough

The Ars Technica article lithium breakthrough could charge batteries in 10 seconds reports on a Nature article describing a very fast way to charge or discharge batteries. The upshot is that an electric-car battery could be charged in five minutes ("which would make electric vehicles incredibly practical") but would …

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Kindle for iPhone: Nice But Not Comparable

Amazon has released a Kindle application for the iPhone. It nicely synchronizes with your Kindle library (which is all stored "in the cloud") but, strangely, it seems to only pick up books and not periodicals or blogs.

The display is okay (I mean, it's the iPhone display. Duh.), nothing compared …

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Kindle-d But Not Available

The New Yorker is now available in Kindle form. I subscribe to The New Yorker and have access to it in a browser, but the Kindle subscription is not linked to my physical subscription and their customer service says "Nope, can't link 'em." (Heck, I'd probably _trade_ my physical subscription …

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