Assurances from CMP: DDJ to change, Jolts to continue

Apparently, DDJ has had a redesign (which doesn't necessarily mean new editorial direction, but could be...) and wants to continue the Jolt Awards going forward (although it's a little confusing, as the Jolts will apparently continue as a project tasked to CMP's Events groups).

Rosalyn Lum, SD's Technical Editor, is …

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Site issues

I've heard from several people that permalinks to this site fail initially, but if you reload the page, they work (but, of course, most people just click away at the first 404). The site is hosted with Gearhost, with whom I'm generally pleased, but I don't have access to the …

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Why DDJ Won't Change

Joel Spolsky incorrectly read the announcement as SD taking over the Dobb's name. Dan Read  hopes this might mean a hybrid magazine that combines the best of both. At the risk of alienating my future potential editors, almost certainly not. So far, what we've got looks like the pro forma …

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The Imminent Death of Developer's Magazines

Eric Sink had an incredibly timely post on "The Eventual Death of Developer Magazines" in which he noted that print publications such as Dr. Dobb's, Software Development, and Visual Studio were becoming thinner and thinner. Things were even worse than he noted, though, since the magazines held a certain portfolio …

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SD Magazine: R.I.P.

Oh well. The writing had been on the wall, but today it's official: Software Development magazine, which I founded in 1992, has been absorbed by Dr. Dobb's Journal and will cease publication. Ironically, SD was born when Dr. Dobb's absorbed Computer Language after Miller Freeman (now CMP) bought DDJ. Between …

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Turing Award winner announced

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ACM just announced that this year they are giving the Turing Award to Peter Naur for his pioneering award on the Algol 60 programming language.[ *Via* ]{style="color:navy"}Kevin Schofield 


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Oscars, Sopranos, & Babylon 5

Having just watched "Junebug" (so far, my favorite movie released in 2005, but Hawaii being what it is, I haven't yet seen some others that I expect to like a lot), we were reflecting on how over-rated "Crash" is. At this point, if you want to see characters that have …

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Wikipedia is ripe for AI Exploitation

Researchers have already begun using Google to help with AI tasks. For instance, if you search Google for two words, you can get a sense of their relatedness by comparing the relative number of links returned (e.g., "cat and dog" vs. "cat and politics"

Wikipedia is an even greater …

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C# & VB: Peer Pressure vs. Random Walk

Programming language popularity is a fascination of mine and has been since (at least) I joined "Computer Language" magazine "back in the day." Note that this is a different fascination than programming language capability, which goes all the way back to the time I read my Dad's copy of "Computer …

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