Assembly Language Programming

Okay, if you're interested in assembly language programming, read The Art of Assembly Language and use the included HLA compiler.

But, if you just need to occasionally compile some pre-existing code, MASM 8 is now available for download from Microsoft.

But seriously, read The Art of Assembly Language.

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ACM Membership Provides Limited Safari Access

I have mixed feelings about AI for Game Developers." In the full Safari bookshelf, the AI category has Voice Application Development with VoiceXML which is a much more "enterprise-y" type of read.

On the other hand, even in "full Safari" there's only 8 books in the AI category, only 3 …

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Elicit Blogging Client Second Impressions

The blogging client schedules posts according to local time, but timestamps them for GMT. So posts I scheduled for this morning at 8 AM are showing up timestamped last night at 10 PM. That's no good.

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Risky teen behavior: Study refutes stereotypes

Here's an interesting graphic associated with Health Risk Behaviors Among StudentsWhat jumps out at me is that, contrary to stereotypes, black teens have, across the board, the lowest rates of risky behavior. Of course, the study might be flawed, it's self-reported behavior, etc., but it's thought provoking.

via Fabian

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WinFX becomes .NET Framework 3.0

What is with Microsoft and their naming? Now, WinFX, the not-poorly-named managed framework, has been rebranded the .NET Framework 3.0. Which is kind of strange, considering that Visual Studio and Visual Basic dropped the .NET brand and, if I'm not mistaken, WinFX is going to ship on top of …

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Latest Ruby in Steel IDE Adds Debugging

The latest beta of the Ruby in Steel IDE has added debugging support. Nice.

Oh, \<a href=""" target=_blank rel="noopener noreferrer">Ruby/Amazon is a cool library to access Amazon Web …

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Syncing OneNote over Multiple Machines

Killer post by Chris Pratley on setting up OneNote 12 so that it stays synchronized across multiple machines. I love OneNote and this makes me love it a little more.

Oh, and something else I just discovered that makes me love it a little more: they've added "section groups" so …

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Non-Professionals Using C++

John Montgomery's revelation that the most commonly used languages of non-professional programmers are HTML, JavaScript, and C++ is worth reflecting on.

First, let's just state the obvious: HTML without JavaScript isn't a programming language, and few people are using Rhino or what-have-you to explore JavaScript as a standalone language, so …

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Teachability Important to Programming Language Success

Eric Gunnerson, discussing "Why so many languages?" makes the key point that "Compactness and simplicity have big benefits as well in programming languages."

Once upon a time, I made a good living teaching Java. Sometimes I taught it to C and C++ developers, sometimes I taught it to COBOL developers …

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