Inking the Web

My latest on programming the TabletPC is up on DevX. This one talks about putting ink on the World Wide Web.

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Pynk development semi-funded

DevX is paying me to write a couple of articles about “Pynk”: my Python interactive environment with ink-editing. That means I can spend time on it during the week in a guilt-free manner. Excellent!

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Edit and Continue in C# in Whidbey: The Joys of Delay...

Helping numb the sting of having predicted at this time last year that “Whidbey” would ship by the last day of 2004, the C# team today announced that C# will support “Edit & Continue” in Visual Studio 2005. Not having been a major VB guy, I can't say that I've missed …

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A Transmitter? We Should Be So Lucky!

Clearly, Bush's “hump“ is not placed specifically for the debate:

Compare and contrast:

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IronPython Wiki

I'm hosting a Wiki for IronPython, probably until something more official happens.

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Life dream...

About an hour ago I was sitting at my dining room table, working on a piece of fiction and the setting sun got in my eyes. And I realized that I was sitting in my house in Hawaii, writing fiction, and watching the sun set over the Pacific. Which is …

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IronPython and Dynamic Languages in my latest column

My most recent SD Times column, Dynamic Do-Over, is now online. I argue that what makes “dynamic” languages compelling is not implicit vs. explicit typing, but an interactive console. I also drop some quotes from my talk with Microsoft's Jim Hugunin on the future of IronPython.

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A Math/Physics Word Problem

If you are walking from point A to point B in the rain, do you get more or less wet depending on how fast you walk? [Via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} 

Pondering this question was the great intellectual challenge of my youth. I …

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"JPEG of Death" spotted -- Patch NOW!

Bad guys have apparently begun exploiting the security hole that can take over a Windows machine simply by displaying an image. This vulnerability requires patching both the OS and Microsoft Office.

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