Pursuit of Low-Bid, Not Communication, The Real Risk in Offshoring?

Robert Dempsey's post Does Offshoring Really Save Money? says the #1 risk of offshoring is communication overhead.

In this post I argue that the larger risks for offshore development include lack of offshore management know-how, inadequate user involvement, poor change controls, and lack of required technical know-how. As an "offshore …

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Bucket Brigade Algorithm Strategy Used To Win Darpa Balloons Challenge

red-balloon-for-contest-3421The "MIT Red Ballon Challenge" won a contest sponsored by DARPA to spot 10 red balloons placed somewhere in the continental United States. The MIT group spotted all 10 balloons within just a few hours of the balloons being launched. Other teams submitted within a few minutes of the MIT …

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Important statistical test made easy...

I wish all statistical tests could be reduced to something this easy to follow and understand: Easy statistics for AdWords A/B testing, and hamsters.

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Hawai'i No Ka Oi

Went to Kua Bay yesterday. Beautiful azure surf and amazing 100'+ visibility. As soon as I got in the water, I saw 3 teenage ulua (jacks). Found an octopus in around 20' of water, broke an urchin and fed it to him. Went out to 50' and did some easy …

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Angry Red Really Small Planet

I got up this morning at 4AM to look at Mars, whose apparent size is growing and will peak in January. There are 60 arc-minutes in a degree and 60 arc-seconds in an arc-minute. Mars right now is about 10 arc-seconds in diameter. Even at 200x with my highest-quality eyepiece …

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Sun Sets A Minute Later Today in Hawaii...

The sun sets today at 5:45PM, a minute later than it's been setting since November 16. While sunrise continues to come later until the solstice, I always think of today as when the day "starts getting longer."


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Article on Windows 7 boot animation

Just yesterday I was wondering whether the animation was static or procedurally generated. Since the article says it's "105 frames" I guess it's static.

How one man designed the Windows 7 boot animation.

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