Dr Dobbs - Q&A: Martin Fowler and Rebecca Parsons on DSLs

Dr Dobbs - Q&A: Martin Fowler and Rebecca Parsons on DSLs.

I just received Fowler's DSL book in the mail and look forward to reading it. In the meantime, here's a brief interview at Dr. Dobb's on the subject.

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The Price Is Always Right – MITs Real-Time Inflation Index

The Price Is Always Right – MITs Real-Time Inflation Index.

There's a lot of criticism of the Consumer Price Index, including suspicion that it's intentionally gamed to further political agenda. Instead, MIT has created an index that uses Internet purchases to measure inflation.

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Sponsored Content is not Journalism

...using the same reporting and writing techniques as more traditional journalists.

via Internet Evolution - CMO Clan Editors Blog - Why Intel Went Into the Journalism Business.

Time to bite the hands that have fed me, but this is important: When a Marketing/PR department has editorial control over a technical article …

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Project "Dirigible" : Python-Powered Grid Computing Spreadsheet

Resolver Systems: News.

I love Resolver One (I just wish it ran on systems under than Windows!), the Python-powered spreadsheet that allows you to combine spreadsheet-style computing with Python code.

Now, Resolver Systems has moved the concept up towards grid computing. If you've got some Big Data challenges, it might …

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Will People Search for a $1.99 app?

Paul Graham once suggested that startups pose their mission statement as a question. Google's question might have been "Will the PageRank algorithm deliver results that are so good that they lure users away from Altavista?"

via 2010/09/concept.md at master from raganwald's homoiconic - GitHub.

My great lesson from …

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Got Binos and Clear Dark Skies? Look for a comet this weekend!

There's a pretty good comet visible near the easy-to-find constellation Cassiopeia (the big "M" or "W" in the Northern sky). It's brightness is listed as magnitude 5.7, which ought to be visible with binoculars if you aren't too close to bright lights. (If you have really dark skies and …

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Yavin IV: Exploring space on the cheap with an iPhone, Droid, and Flip

Yavin IV: Exploring space on the cheap with an iPhone, Droid, and Flip.

Apparently, even on a very windy day, you can send a weather balloon up 100,000' and when it bursts and you parachute the payload down, you've still only covered about 75 miles. Hmm....

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WordPress 3.0 "Thelonious" Launched

WordPress › WordPress 3.0 "Thelonious".

This is a major update, but it looks like to take advantage of several of the components, you have to switch to the default "2010" theme.

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