Code Canvas: MS Research's Zoomable UI for Visual Studio

Moving beyond the "bento box" IDE:

Similar, but not identical, to Code Bubbles.

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-09

  • Red Sox vs. Halos series pits my fantasy baseball team against itself. C'mon pitching duels or slugfests! (Won by Sox in both cases.) #
  • Huge buzz about @zoompf talk at JSConf "JavaScript's Evil Side" -- anyone know if video or slides are available online? #
  • Fan of SD Times? There's an app for …
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-25

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Legal Contracts Written in Code

The SEC is considering mandating that Python be used to express certain financial contracts, allowing the potential buyer to 'programmatically input the user's own assumptions regarding the future performance and cash flows from the pool assets, including but not limited to assumptions about future interest rates, default rates, prepayment speeds …

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MonoTouch Navigation Controller Tutorial

Well, optimistically assuming that everything works out between Novell and Apple I have posted a new tutorial on using a NavigationController in MonoTouch. Nothing fancy: Just navigating between two TableViews. Lots of screenshots to try to make the steps as clear as possible, source on github...

Let me know if …

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-18

  • Thought Experiment: All songs sold on the iTunes store must be originally composed on a piano, organ, or guitar. #
  • "Tiberius Cologne" Set odor on stunning! #
  • Facebook now lets you @-dress tag someone and then emails you the comments to that post. Spam countdown: 10, 9, 8 …
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