Should I Switch To WordPress?

I've got six years of DasBlog entries in my /content directory. I don't have time to maintain my blogging infrastructure (it's hard enough to justify the time I spend just writing the darn thing). For whatever reason, DasBlog and my hosting company just don't seem to get along ... problems with …

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ToyScript and the DLR : 3 Different Compilers

While I talked about being blown away by certain talks at Lang.NET, from a pragmatic standpoint I very much enjoyed the practical talks, such as those given by Harry Pierson and, especially, \<a href=""" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Martin Maly. Martin …

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Comments By Disqus... Let Me Know

Ok, after despairing of getting the comment issue in dasBlog worked out, I have switched over to Disqus. Let me know if this causes headaches...

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600 Lines of Code

Like Charles Petzold, my first reaction to Jeff Atwood's question "What Can You Build in 600 Lines of Code?" was along the lines of "5 articles!"

But actually, I think 600 lines is just about the right benchmark size for a language, because it's:

  • Small enough to develop in a …
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Comments Still Don't Work: Say Nothing More Substantial Than "You're So Gay!"

At least two problems:

  • Some-to-all (?) people don't see the CAPTCHA image, and
  • The system is crashing the application pool every several minutes

I've disabled the comments to see if the system instability is definitely associated with them...

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LINQ for Datacenters: Microsoft does MapReduce

Correcting myself re. concurrency at Lang.NET, there was one "sit up and take notice" discussion. Erik Meijer briefly discussed that he and his team have implemented (or at least prototyped) MapReduce for LINQ. "We call it MapReduce for Datacenters or somesuch..."

I asked him to clarify if this a …

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Concurrency Not Emphasized at Lang:NET

Although concurrency was laid out by Jason Zander as one of the overarching themes of language work moving forward, it was not at all emphasized as a primary concern in any of the talks I saw. There was some talk about language features that a "sufficiently smart compiler" could handle …

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Lang.NET Highlights

Jason Bock and Ted Neward did a good job summarizing specific talks, so I won't duplicate that effort. Overall, I loved the conference, it was revitalizing for me. The speakers varied greatly in their presentation skills, but I actually liked the "texture" that gave the conference; you definitely didn't have …

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Off to Lang.NET


imageimageYesterday I went swimming on a coral reef in 100' visibility with whales singing so loud that I almost expected to see them underwater. For the next 3 days, I'll be in Seattle, where I assume they have this thing I hear about called "heating."

Actually, after canceling the trip …

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SapphireSteel Previews Ruby On Rails Visual Designer

Definitely looks worth checking out:


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