WiiWare: Small (and Non-Professional?) Game Development for Nintendo

Wii has announced that they will be opening the door to small developers on the Wii. The first take on this is that "WiiWare" is primarily about downloadable games a la XBox Arcade, but we all knew that was coming. More surprising is that Nintendo says that they will not …

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Forza 2 Killed My Launch XBox 360

Apparently, that my XBox 360 lasted from the day it went on sale until today is unusual. I was negotiating a turn in Forza 2 and the system froze. Rebooted, it froze during race startup. Rebooted, and now it's "the Red Ring of Death."

According to \<a href="http://www …

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XML Report Generators: Any Opinions, O Web?

We have a database (SQL Server) that has a field in which we store fairly-hefty (1-4MB) XML documents. We need to create reports. Lots of reports.

The schemas upon which the documents are based are quite complicated and we have thousands of records.The reports need to be modifiable by …

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Top 10 Things To Do With Your Petaflop Supercomputer

Now that IBM has a petaflop supercomputer, the question becomes what to do with it:

10. Develop a coherent exit strategy from Iraq

9. Crank call Gary Kasparov at 3 in the morning and ask in that creepy computer-voice: "Would you like to play a game ... bitch?"

8. Write a …

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Austhink's Rationale: Software for Decomposing Arguments

Rationale is an interesting program that allows you to visually represent arguments:

It is essentially a domain-specific Visio or MindManager. Since it is domain-specific, it is faster to construct a complex tree and additionally export the structure as a text outline. This also limits it a little, in that I …

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Reading Shakespeare

Charles Petzold has a post in which he talks about the unique experience of reading a book . In the post, Petzold mentions a device that caused a buzz at a recent O'Reilly conference; the device was a book that somehow embedded a screen for displaying hyperlinked content (from the picture …

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Borland StarTeam Best SCM Tool, Says Survey

eWeek is quoting an Evans Data survey in which Borland's StarTeam was rated the best source control management (SCM) software, beating out CVS, IBM ClearCase/ClearQuest, Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, Microsoft Visual Studio Team System, Perforce, Serena/PVCS, and Subversion. It's an interesting result, because surveys have a strong tendency to …

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Binary Addition Analog (Wooden) Computer

Words cannot express my admiration for this.

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ScottEVest Cargo Shorts Can't Accommodate Moleskine Reporter

A few weeks ago, Scottevest Cargo Shorts were on sale. I've never owned a Scottevest product before, but they're well-reviewed, and if there's one piece of clothing a Hawaiian geek requires, it's capacious cargo shorts.

They're quite good looking and can handle a full load of iPod, wallet, digital camera …

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Turing's Birthday

Alan Turing was born 95 years ago today. Less than 100 years ago. I know that at the physical level, information processing is nowhere near as dramatic as flight or the rise of the car, but it's still astonishing to reflect upon the advances. I've been drafting an article about …

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