Misleading Photo For New Microsoft Tablet Formfactor

Twitter's buzzing with technolust based on an Engadget article picturing a Microsoft concept-computer.


Looks lovely, but the photo is misleading. It shows lines of cursive writing that are fraction of a size of the reader's fingernail. Take a look at this blowup:


Based on my fingernail, that cursive writing is …

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Electronic Review Copies: Kudos to ORA & MS Press

O'Reilly and Microsoft Press have recently switched to using eBooks as the preferred media for distributing review copies. Like all book reviewers, I receive more books than I actually review. However, since I live in Hawaii, the physical and energy waste of a book that goes unread and for which …

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10 Most Influential Software Development Books of the Past 10 Years

My article on the 10 most influential software development books of the past 10 years only appeared in the 2/15 print edition of SD Times.

If you're interested, here are Amazon affiliate links to the books:

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Remote Pair Programming: Two Views (From Me and The Guy I Paired With)

Remote Pair Programming is the subject of my latest column for SD Times

and in the spirit of pair programming, my colleague Carlos Lima shares his perspective as well.

(For what it's worth, I think the tone of my column may be a little more negative that I intended. I …

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Link Clearance

Cleaning out my "Write blog post commenting upon..." folder...

Consulting / Business Topics

Flickr as a Business Simulator

Once You Announce A Date, You're Already Late

How Hard Should Your Startup's Technology Be?

AppFund Offers VC Money for iPad Apps

The Listening Engine


Commonly Confused Tidbits re. .NET Garbage Collector …

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-28

  • Google Earth Car spotted on Queen K at North/South Kona border... #
  • Hope new credit card law means that I get MORE incomprehensible pamphlets with important updates about my agreement. Fingers crossed. #
  • Haven't even dl'ed the demo, but suspect the next time I'm doing hard JavaScript code, I'll use JetBrains …
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Google Wave Use-Cases: Food For Thought

Google Wave is, so far, too difficult and buggy to be relied upon (once upon a time, we called this state "beta software"). Nonetheless, the promise for new types of collaboration are there. Here are some thought-provoking use-cases for Wave

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