Me vs. $540M Government S/W Project

There was a short piece on the news last night about a \$540M travel reservation system developed to aid the Department of Defense manage their travel costs (in peacetime). Apparently, it doesn't work (doesn't deliver low fares) and even if it did work, it would take 20 years of projected …

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SD Times Newsfeed

SD Times has a newsfeed. Huzzah! Subscribed.

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Euphemism: "in a stop sell mode"

A client relying on a 3rd party service which we had been assured was available received an email today that said "[The service] is in a stop sell mode at this time as we are evaluating etc."

I'm going to have to remember that the next time I approach a …

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No New Features

TeX and METAFONT have version numbers that asymptotically approach ? and e. This reflects Don Knuth's decision that it's more important to create consistency with those tools than to add features. I've thought about something similar with programming language design: languages like Java and C# were very "teachable" in their …

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Turbo Ruby: Strong Hints From CodeGear / DevCo

The new spinoff from Borland, CodeGear, is strongly hinting that they will produce at least one dynamic language:

CEO Ben Smith: "We're also working on plans that can help developers take advantage of growing and emerging areas like web services, Ruby, Python and Ajax. "

David I: "We are not limited …

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Charles Nutter Hints at a JRuby Release By The End of the Year

In comments, Sun's Charles Nutter hints that JRuby may ship by the end of year. Or he may be taking a swipe at the Perl 6 guys: you decide. Ruby on at least one of the two major managed platforms: huge for Ruby. (In that post, I caution that it …

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Borland Developer Tools Become CodeGear, nee DevCo, a Wholly Owned Subsidiary

Borland's Developer Tools Group, including the Delphi, C++, C#, and JBuilder tools and the Interbase database tools, have been spun off into a new company called CodeGear to be headed by Ben Smith (Byte's old tech editor?). Contrary to all previous reports, CodeGear will be a wholly owned subsidiary, not …

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Jolt Awards Need Your Input: Best Languages, Development Environments, Books...

Dr. Dobb's Journal has taken over the Jolt Awards now that Software Development is no more. Once again I'll be judging and, actually, serving as Moderator of the Development Environments and Languages category.

Given that we considered VS2005 last year (but, hey!, XNA) and given that Callisto is certainly going …

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Am I The Only Geek Still Running 484I (Or is it 486i or 480i)?

I don't have an HDTV and I don't think I'm going to buy one in the foreseeable future. I watch TV every evening for a couple of hours. I like TV fine.

I have analog basic cable that requires no set-top box and for which I pay around \\(40 a …

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What Makes A Programming Language?

Bill de h?ra's post on the language's he's used in the past year contains the provocative thought "...some people are looking at things like HTTP and Ant and CSS and wondering whether they are really programming languages....[T]hey are either replacing or reducing the raw coding I used …

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