2006 Jolt Award Finalists: Other Categories

Change and Configuration Management

AnthillPro3 (Urbancode)

Automated Build Studio (AutomatedQA)

FLEXnet Connect (Macrovision)

Perforce: the Fast Software Configuration (Perforce Software)

Team Foundation Server (Microsoft Corporation)

CA Wily Introscope ChangeDetector (CA / Wily Technology)

Collaboration Tools

Adobe Acrobat Connect Professional (Adobe Systems)

Code Collaborator (Smart Bear Software)

Confluence (Atlassian Software Systems)

NetBeans …

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2006 Jolt Award Finalists, Books

Books (Practical/General Developer Interest)

Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game (Addison-Wesley) by Alistair Cockburn

Catastrophe Disentanglement (Addison-Wesley) by E. M. Bennatan

Eric Sink on the Business of Software (Apress) by Eric Sink

Practices of an Agile Developer (Pragmatic Bookshelf) by Venkat Subramaniam and Andy Hunt

Software Creativity 2.0 …

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The Threading Maturity Model

Alan Zeichick proposes a Threading Maturity Model.

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5 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

Steve Pietrek tagged me, so...

I may be the world's worst student. I graduated High School by the margin of a D+ (in English yet, where I had 780s on both my SATs and boards), I dropped out of college (where I had dual majors in Marine Biology and, yes …

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Dog Sighting

Sorry about such a string of offtopics but now that I've posted something SD-related, I just have to tell you about literally bumping into Beth and Duane "Dog" Chapman at the airport. Tina and I were over in Honolulu a few days ago, all bleary-eyed and coffee-deprived from an early …

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Writing Your Own Language: Choose a VM or Native?

Andrew Binstock has a good post on "Writing your own language -- How to choose a VM." In the post, he says that "Most of these VMs encourage your compiler to output not bytecodes but source code using their native language." But at the level of code generation, you're talking low-level …

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Deus Ex Machine Gun

When discussing how awesome Children of Men was, Tina pointed out that it had some flaws, like a scene where someone is utterly defeated, the bad guy cocks the gun, all hope is lost, and rat-a-tat-tat come the bullets from off-screen. I said "Oh, you mean the deus ex machine …

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Civilization Advancements During Climate Stress? Nice To Think So

According to an article in Seed Magazine (article not online), "early civilizations in Egypt, Peru, Mesopotamia, among other regions, arose not, as traditionally thought, because of the era's relatively benign climate, but instead to cope with an especially harsh one." I don't know about the data, but it's an appealing …

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Alan Zeichick Dislikes The Ribbon, Too: Office 2007 Backlash Brewing?

I thought I was the only one in the world who can't stand the Ribbon. I find it much harder to find functions than I did using menus. Alan Zeichick agrees, but for more noble reasons.

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