The RESTful Web

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Joe Gregorio has a really nice column up on XML.COM: How to create a REST Protocol. [Via]{style="font-style:italic"} [BitWorking] :::

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Generics: .NET vs. Tiger -- Boxing Penalty Is Very Real

We're not supposed to publish benchmark numbers on beta code, so I'll just urge you to try this one on your own. A colleague of mine, a noted Java author, recently disparaged .NET's generics, saying they were “based on” work done in Java and that Java 1.5's generics and …

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Aw, dammit...

Argh! One of the drives on my main dev machine just sh*t the brick. Just as I was pondering buying one of those “one-button push” backup systems. Ironically, the drive that died had the /Program Files/ where my backup software lived. So now I'm staring at the machine, trying …

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Pens of Peril! Rome: Total Ink! Half-Stylus!

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"3 Leaf Development is putting together "Arcs of Fire"….

Check the website of the game - - for more (well, a little more) information…the game is to be based on a forthcoming *Tablet PC Game SDK. Very exciting, and I hope more developers will take advantage of …

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Tablet PCs help with name recognition

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"It's not going to come up with anything." That's what I thought when Lora challenged me to Google her [first]{style="font-style:italic"} name. I couldn't have been more wrong. Lora's site, WhatIsNew, is listed as the third item. In disbelief, I had to try my name, Loren. Hmm …

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Ambient Design's ArtRage wins "Think in Ink" $100K Prize

Ambient Design's ArtRage has won first-place and \$100K in a contest sponsored by Microsoft to boost the TabletPC. The product is a favorite among TabletPC users with any artistic ability at all (and thus, unfortunately, excluding me). I also think it's a pretty good way to boost the platform, a …

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Couple arrested in medical marijuana bust receive $30K apology

I would have said “only in Marin” if I still lived there, but a Kona couple has received \$30,000 in a wrongful arrest settlement for being busted for growing pot. They were held for 8 hours. Nice work if you can get it.

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Sciral Consistency

I have never registered a piece of shareware faster than I did this morning after trying out Sciral Consistency. This is a to-do manager for repetitive tasks that can occur within a range of days (for instance, you need to do the bills twice a month, but an Outlook repetitive …

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Touch Table -- Put Tablet XP On This!

This is something I'd love to see running Tablet XP: a table whose surface is a touch-screen display running at 1600 x 1200. via \<a href="" ">Scoble.

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