Birds: Notes From Chile

As the sun falls, the seagulls, which have been the only birds I've seen, are joined by some swifts darting into the facade of nearby buildings and a trio of hawks or maybe kites: rather drab, but with that athletic sharp-banked twisting flight.


The wide beach has a cold-looking tumbling …

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A Game of Thrones: My Review

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dynamite, the most compellingly complete "world" I've read in I-can't-remember. The world is brilliant, a gritty and "realistic" medieval-ish place with slowly-introduced fantastical elements -- summers and winters last for years (and even decades), there were …

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6 iPhone Apps for Traveling to Chile

On my recent trip to Chile, I used the following iPhone apps:

Word Lens: Realtime translation. You point the iPhone at a sign or menu and you see live video, but the Spanish words are translated into English. It not only provides a "Wow!" experience, it's actually by far the …

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The Ice Limit: My Review

The Ice LimitThe Ice Limit by Douglas Preston

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A fun thriller concerned with the recovery of a meteorite on the frozen islands off Cape Horn. There's a good deal of nonsense: engineering that would take months or years is done in a matter of days (to …

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Shark Week: La Jolla Cove

My first in-water shark encounter was in San Diego, in La Jolla Cove. I was snorkeling in the cove, out near “Alligator Rock” when I saw a Gray Smoothhound, an entirely harmless shark maybe 3’ long. But, hey, it’s a shark that looks like a shark and I wanted …

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Big Island Blogger Roughed Up, Arrested for Photographing Police

Damon Tucker, probably the Big Island's most prominent blogger, was given a pretty solid roughing-up by Big Island police on Friday night, while videotaping police arresting people after a concert in Pahoa. The photos on Tucker's site clearly indicate that excessive force was used against Tucker, who probably weighs 150 …

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Mars Climate Orbiter, Python, and Type Systems...

::: {style="font-size: 10pt;"} Faithful readers know that I'm learning Scala, somewhat reluctantly. A few weeks ago, I was reading New Scientist magazine and saw this writeup of Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google, which mentioned that he was on the review board that studied the crash of the Mars …

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Getting To Know Scala: Project Euler Primes

Prime numbers are not my thing, but generating them is a common task in the early Project Euler problems. The one algorithm I know for generating primes is the Sieve of Eratosthenes, which I defined in Scala as:

[sourcecode lang="scala"]
def successor(n : Double) : Stream[Double] = Stream.cons(n …

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BodyMedia Fit vs. Heart Rate Monitor

According to my stationary bike, I just burned 497 calories.

According to my heart rate monitor, I just burned 412 calories.

According to my BodyMedia Fit, I just burned 199 calories.


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