Build One To Throw Away, You Will Anyhow

Such was one of the many pieces of advice of Fred Brooks in The Mythical Man-Month and while others of Brooks aphorisms have stood the test of time, completely scrapping a codebase is today seen more as an aberration than a painful but necessary part of the process.

Andrew Binstock …

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Democratic Caucus

If the November elections are anything like the Democratic caucus I just attended, it will really be something. Turnout was 4-5x the 100 or so expected and the workers ran out of Democratic party registration forms. There was lots of visible support for Obama (native son, true) and none for …

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(follow image link to Zazzle store...)

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Thoughts on Kindle Annotation

Based in the S3 Cloud (of course).

Every book has a unique Wiki based on ISBN.

You annotate via a Kindle-browser-friendly blogging engine.

You can view threads chronologically (normal blog view) or if they incorporate references to Kindle "positions," they can be threaded by location in the book.

Server-side stuff …

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Continuation Passing Style: The Simplest Metaphor That Could Possibly Work

Continuations are one of those things (like lambda expressions a few years ago) that people seem to struggle to explain.

Doesn't this capture the essence?


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More Reasons To Visit Hawai'i In February


This photo was taken by Ron Dahlquist yesterday off Maui.

Personally, I got up early to go for a swim in a whale-rich bay this morning and the surf was up and I forgot to shave so my mask kept flooding. It sucked (for sufficiently small values of "sucked").

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BPEL4People: Surprisingly, Release Date Is Not 4/1

\<a href=""" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">OASIS, the international open standards consortium, has formed a new technical committee to extend the Web Services Business Processes Execution Language (WS-BPEL) to support human interactions.

BPEL4People is comprised of WS-BPEL Extension for People and Web …

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MS Reorg: Soma, ScottGu Title Inflation But No New Responsibilities (?)

Yes, I write a column called "MS and .NET Watch," but it's a technology and process column, not a corporate analysis. Concurrent programming models I can follow, who's in and who's out in the airy realms of MS Corporate is entirely beyond me. I think though, that \<a href="http …

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February: Best Month to Visit Hawai'i Island

\<a href=""" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The seas are filled with humpbacks, both breeding and nursing. If you go in the water, you can hear them a little if you're on the surface, but if you can swim down 5' …

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Rolled Back To Older Das Blog...

OK, so if you see this and it's more than a few hours after the posting time, that's good news.

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