Does LiveWriter schedule posts?

I am going to be the happiest freaking kid on the block if this post appears on my blog at 6PM tonight and not before...

The ability to schedule posts for future publishing is my single greatest wish for Windows LiveWriter. It looks like the new beta has that capability …

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Parallel Hard Drives

In comments, David Glassborow makes the excellent point that the hard drive, far more than the CPU, seems to be the limiting factor for the concurrent revolution. When your computer is frustratingly slow, the odds of your disk-access light being on are approximately perfect.

I know very, very little about …

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Skype Stinks, At Least To and From Hawai'i

I know people love Skype, but my experience using it from Hawai'i has always been terrible -- horrid echo, constant break up -- and on my recent trip to Panama, it was equally useless for calling to Hawai'i. That's all I have to say about that.

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Death and Taxes: Compilation, Type, and Test

Jeff Atwood has complained about the "compilation tax" that he must pay with C#, contrasting it with Visual Basic's background compilation. It's utterly absurd that when we program, the most sophisticated, well-studied, computational task that is common, we are essentially typing into a text buffer. (At least IntelliSense / method completion …

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Print newspaper SD Times has biggest issue ever

Alan Zeichick is understandably proud that the June 1, 2007 issue of SD Times is the largest in the paper's 7-year history. Launched as the dot-com bubble was deflating, SD Times has managed to thrive and now has more articles, more readers, and more advertisers than ever. That's quite an …

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John Lam reports that:

2) Miguel de Icaza spent a bunch of time lobbying us for a XamlReader.LoadFromJson() API. His reasoning was that folks don't like to type XAML, and would prefer a more wrist-friendly syntax for generating WPF/S element trees. It would be interesting to hear some …

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And we all have strangely interconnected backstories...

I am writing this (although heaven knows when I'll publish) from an under-construction terminal in the Tijuana airport. My COPA flight from Panama City to LAX had to divert around the storm off Central America and, with low fuel reserves, landed in Tijuana at midnight last night.

We were then …

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TechEd is not the PDC Without Unveilings (I don't think)

Perhaps I've been to above-average PDCs and below-par TechEds, but I don't think that TechEd is the PDC Without A Grand Unveiling that I dreamt of. I think that TechEd is essentially a goal-oriented show, a show where one goes to be educated about a technology with which one probably …

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How Much of the Industry Will Go Parallel?

Michael Seuss ponders one of my favorite questions: How much of the software industry will have to deal with the concurrent computing [opportunity]? He hits the vital points:

  • 2, 4, and maybe 8 cores may be usefully exploited by system services (anti-virus, disk indexing and searching, etc.), but when you …
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Microsoft Unveils "Surface" Multi-Touch Table Interface

Bill Gates has gone public on Microsoft's commercializing a multi-touch table interface called "Surface". This has been shown before, but only as one of the (many) prototypes that you see these brief glimpses of and which often are not commercialized (I think "Surface" and the device-pairing stuff was shown at …

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