Acer Quad Core for <$200 per core

Looking for enough cores to start seeing complex behavior? Check out this Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Acer Aspire from CompUSA for \\(750 (sheesh, the *chip* goes for about \\)580!).

Or, if you're rolling in the dough, CNet quite \<a href=" …

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Mitch Barnett's Web-Based IDE for IronPython

I love this prototype / early version by Mitch Barnett of a web-based IDE for distributed programming using IronPython. It reminds me of my last dot-comet system: a Web-based assessment framework (I'd say "testing framework" but you'd think NUnit when you should be thinking certification). You were presented the pre-conditions, post-conditions …

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Upswing in Dynamic Language Use is Breaking News?

You know I love my homeys at \<a href=""" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">SD Times, but ought not the headline read: "Study states obvious, costs money"?  

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Esther Dyson's Hugely Influential "Release 1.0" Newsletter Back-Issues Freely Available

O'Reilly has made the back issues (from 1983 to 2006) of Esther Dyson's "Release 1.0" newsletter available as freely-downloadable PDFs: O'Reilly Radar > Release 1.0

The newsletter was very forward-thinking; I just grabbed the June 1989 issue (the month I was hired at Computer Language) and found a discussion …

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Ruby's ObjectSpace: A Challenge for the Managed Platforms

The Ruby language contains the built-in module ObjectSpace, which provides programmatic access to the entire world of living objects. For instance, in Ruby you can write:

ObjectSpace::each_object(Class) do |c|
 p c if c < Test::Unit::TestCase

which will iterate over every instance of Class in the …

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The Continuing Decline of Tech Magazines, Chapter 38

Forbes has a few-hundred word article on the decline in tech-sector print media. (via \<a href=""" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">James Robertson) Nothing specific to the software development industry, but still, another data point...

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Virtual Earth MapCruncher

This tool from Microsoft Research:

lets users quickly convert existing maps into an online format that's as fast and easy to use as Virtual Earth. PDF and raster maps can be converted in minutes just by clicking on corresponding landmarks on the user's map and the global maps in Virtual …

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Concurrency Tutorials Via LOLCuteness

\<a href=""" atomicselection="true">

I figure I'll be the #1 programming blog by the end of the month.

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Need To Draw (Mathematical-Style) Graphs? Try This Free Layout Engine for .NET

I've fiddled around with the examples of GLEE, Microsoft's layout engine for graphs and wish I'd had it for some visualization projects I did a few years ago. Looks like a nice library to add to your collection.

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