Jon Skeet asks "Is C# 3 too big to learn from scratch?" I say "Absolutely"

Jon Skeet wonders:

I've been looking at C# 3 in a fair amount of detail recently, and likewise going over the features of C# 2....I feel sorry for someone wanting to learn C# 3 from scratch. It's becoming quite a big language....It's often been said in the newsgroups …

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SOA Mashups: I'm 1-for-1

Harry Pierson wonders "Where Have All the SOA Mashups Gone?" Well, \<a href=""" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">this one went well. I'm not sure if it counts as a "mashup" in that all the data I was working with was XML and …

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Raymond Chen Says Backward Compatibility Does Not Affect Windows Performance

For weeks, I've been chewing over \<a href=""" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">this post by Raymond Chen, in which he says:

[T]he real cost of compatibility is not in the hacks. The hacks are small potatoes. Most …

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Video game you control with piss (And it's not "Sink the battleship"?)

The Piss-Screen is a pressure-sensitive inlay for urinals, to play a game with your pee. The game is displayed on a screen above the urinal. Link

The game development industry is the most miserable sector in the software development industry: lower pay, more bozos, worse management. And within that sector …

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Bye Baiji

The Baiji, or Yangtze River Dolphin, appears to be the first cetacean \<a href=""" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">driven to extinction by man. No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main …

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Worse Than Crashing? Easy: Mistaking "MAY" for "SHALL" Near Money

Jeff Atwood wonders "what's worse than crashing?" and gives a general "application causes data loss and/or corruption." Uh huh. Let's fill between the lines on that:

I once worked on a supply chain system where one of the returns of the supplier's Cancel() function was along the lines of …

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Silverlight, Why Do You Taunt Me So?

Silverlight steadfastly refuses to install on my development Tablet PC or in my "Orcas Beta" Virtual PC. Those are the only two machines on which I'll put an under-development CLR, since experience has shown that it can be very difficult to cleanly uninstall anything in Microsoft's browser-CLR-plugin axis. This is …

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Ambler: Agile on a Fixed Budget

Scott Ambler has a great new article on DDJ discussing agile software development on a fixed budget. He discusses the "iron triangle" of time, scope, and resources and gives alternate strategies depending on which "corner" of the triangle is most constrained.

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Rosario, Post-Orcas/2008 Visual Studio Team System Available In CTP

If you're eager to get your first glimpse at Visual Studio X (you heard it here first!), you can download a VPC image Visual Studio

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Huge Uptick in PDF File-Attachment Spam

Is everyone else seeing a sudden increase in spam with PDF attachments? I'm not sure if they are payload-bearing virii or just stock spam (many seem to have "investor alert" nonsense in their title). It's just amazing to me the level of idiot on which these apparently-profitable scams are built …

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