Big Island, Bad Politics

The Big Island of Hawaii is a single county whose spending is controlled by a 9-person county council. The problem is that our local government is ridiculously petty, with an "East side vs. West side" dynamic that flies in the face of the needs and sentiment of the people who …

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Intentional Software's Chrome (If Not Silver) Bullet

Intentional Software will change the way business software is developed.

Update: For those having trouble following the link, it's

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I promised Jon Galloway that I would send him some "geek acres" coffee. I thought I'd write a post about growing and processing coffee as a hobby...

Step 1: Live on the Big Island of Hawaii

Step 2: Have some coffee trees


Step 3: Pick the cherry by hand (better …

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Junk Mail: 15 Years Later

Back in the mid-90s, when I worked for a publishing company and and (snail-)mailing lists were important to me, I would iterate my middle initial any time I signed up for a magazine or registered at a conference.

To this day I regularly receive come-ons addressed to Larry E …

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Wordle Tag Cloud For My Frontpage


Dang. That's kind of cool. Get your own here.

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Herding Code Podcast on DSLs

I had a conversation with the Herding Code guys regarding DSLs, DSL DevCon, and some of my skepticism regarding Oslo and the DSL hype.

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Lang.NET, DSL DevCon Highlights

Intentional Software has forged a silver bullet. It's terribly difficult not to go into that in great depth (I will shortly), but for now, I simply don't want to bury the lede.

OK, so other than that what was interesting?

There are several categories that need to be talked about …

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DSL Writers: Put Turing Completeness Out Of Your Mind

At the recent DSL DevCon, Martin Fowler gave an excellent keynote speech discussing domain-specific languages, an important subject that seems certain to be the buzzword of the next year or two.

However, one slide of his got my goat, leading me to foam at the mouth, beat the table with …

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Lang.NET: Preliminary Thoughts

There's a school of thought in anthropology that the form and vocabulary of the language you speak deeply affects how you think, even to the point of limiting if you can think about certain things. This is called the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. There's definitely something to it, although probably not in …

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