Dow 7000: What's the P:E?

Does anyone know what the combined earnings of the DJIA 30 is? I still have a couple decades before retirement; if the P:E ratio is getting back to normal, I might start buying because (a) it'll either come back or (b) it won't, in which case "investment strategies" aren't …

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From Theory to iPhone, Part 2: Separation of Concerns

Part 1

Model-Editor / Domain-View : On This We Can Agree

For 20 years now, it’s been widely agreed that one of the best ideas for writing a maintainable system is to separate the domain stuff from the interface stuff. This makes especially good sense in a world where you want …

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Google '#{first_name} Needs'

The new game is to search Google for '#{your_first_name} Needs' and post the top two things: : Larry needs to make a budget. Liberal Larry needs a fisking.


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From Theory to iPhone, Part 1: Everyone’s Got An Opinion

This is not a tutorial. This is me talking to myself. Much of what I say about iPhone development will be wrong.

It has become a truism that the platform library, not the programming language, has become the large barrier to learning. As a guy with a background in “everything …

more ... Wow is a fantastic resource, which lists the specific projects in the economic stimulus, broken down to the county and city level, and sortable by price, number of jobs estimated, or votes (from the public) as to whether or not it's truly critical.

This is just fantastic; I hope …

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Happy 1234567890!

See you at 0x500,000!

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Fireable Offense?

Woman calls a customer service department, complains about something, has the situation explained to her.

She goes on a consumer advocate Website and describes the situation, saying that she had spoken to someone who was "moderately intelligent."

Customer service rep sees this post, takes offense. He uses his customer service …

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Let’s Hope This Does Not Become An Iconic Image


That green line is the current situation. Whee!!!!!

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Kindle Monospaced Font Not "Picked Up" By My Existing Books

I checked every programming book I have on my Kindle: Hillegass's Cocoa Programming, Odersky et al.'s Programming in Scala, and a couple Pragmatic Programmer books -- none "trigger" the monospaced font now supported by the Kindle. I suppose the "good" news is that there are not many programming books for …

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Kindle Monospaced Fonts: Fail

~~A mixed bag:~~

The Kindle has Greek characters, but not complete math (in the image below, there should be a ⇔ \<=> character).

~~It converts Courier (at least) to monospaced, but does not auto-convert Consolas:~~

As you can see, neither the Courier nor the Consolas work (just look at the difference in …

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