Insane Guitar Solo

You just have to watch this guitar solo to believe it. Amazing.


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Inflation in the lab?

I'm an easy-going guy, but the idea of trying to create a universe in a "bubble" in an accelerator seems like a bad idea.

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Book Mooch

I joined this book swap site today. Of course, its utility grows with the size of the network.

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All I Want for Christmas...

Look how natural that looks. Doesn't that look good? Wouldn't you buy that? I'd buy that. My friends would buy that. You'd buy that. Of course you would.

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Hardware Woes: Light at the End of the Tunnel

If you've been following my "Offtopic" or "Hawaii" topics, you've been hearing me lament what it's been like assembling a non-standard desktop machine (dual processors, huge hard drives, All-in-Wonder 800XT) by mail order when you live 3,000 miles from the mainland. Well, aside from cleaning up the boxes everywhere …

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Ruby: Rails or the Language?

My colleague Andrew Binstock, who's always been too busy making money to blog, disagrees with me that Ruby-the-language is crossing the chasm. He think that Rails is great, but is not enamored of Ruby-the-language. I, on the other hand, continue to be skeptical about Rails (has it changed the dialogue …

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Firefox hijacks Url opening from IE7 (!?!?!?!)

Firefox 1.5.06 is my default browser. It's acting a little strangely with some of the admin facilities on this site, though, so I just opened IE (7, beta 3). OK, but now I discover that when I type a URI into the IE addressbar, a new tab opens …

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/clr /openMp

::: {style="direction:ltr;margin-top:0in;margin-left:0in;width:6.6312in"} ::: {style="direction:ltr;margin-top:0in;margin-left:0in;width:2.5986in"} /clr /openMp :::

::: {style="direction:ltr;margin-top:.0493in;margin-left:0in;width:1.6847in"} Tuesday, August 08, 2006

2:34 PM :::

::: {style="direction:ltr;margin-top:.0722in;margin-left:0in;width:6.6312in"} I've …

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Logos that make you go, 'Hmmmm"

::: {style="direction:ltr;margin-top:0in;margin-left:0in;width:5.3805in"} ::: {style="direction:ltr;margin-top:0in;margin-left:0in;width:4.7493in"} Logos that make you go, 'Hmmmm" :::

::: {style="direction:ltr;margin-top:.2055in;margin-left:0in;width:5.3805in"} Is it me, or is this logo for a coffee farm open to negative …

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