I'll Meetchoo In Pichu

Well, the day has finally arrived. We're off to hike the Inca Trail and visit Machu Picchu. Extended forecast for Cuzco: rain, rain, thunderstorms, rain, rain, rain.

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Inglorious Basterds: The Celluloid Is Mightier Than The Wehrmacht

Saw the latest Quentin Tarentino movie last night. I actually quite liked "Death Proof" so I didn't see this as any kind of "comeback," as the critics seem to be labeling it.

For 7/8ths of the movie, I was queasy about the trivialization of the Holocaust: a movie about …

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Brilliance From Siggraph: Bokeh-Based Tiny Barcodes

"Bokeh" is a term used by photographers to praise the out-of-focus areas of a photograph.

Researchers at MIT have figured out how to exploit bokeh so that they can read 3mm barcodes with 2.5 micron elements at a distance of 4 meters with an off-the-shelf camera!

The "bokode" dot …

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Inca Trail T-7

Did a final training hike around Lake Geneva the other day. Five hours in the rain with full packs, 14 miles or so. Felt fairly good about it until realizing: "So instead of around a lake, it's 4000' of vertical. Take a break, put your pack on and do it …

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Can you be tone-deaf, but love music?

Researchers say that tone-deafness has a physiological basis: few neural connections between ... uh ... the frammitz and whatzitz lobes.

I think I may be tone-deaf. On the other hand, I may just have been lazy in music classes (I was lazy in all my other classes). I absolutely love music but …

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220 Billion Lines of COBOL? BS

[Update: The first time I read the post, my take was that Jeff Atwood took at face value]{style="color: #ff0000;"} the claim that COBOL is by far the most common programming language in the world. [Subsequently, comments have pointed out he was skeptical. But I still read the post …

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You can embed LaTeX in WordPress?

\\(latex \\pi r\^2\\)

~~Huh. Must be only on WordPress.com~~
[Update]{style="color: #ff0000;"}: Requires the \\(latex \\LaTeX\\) plugin

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Bob Amen: RIP

My coworker Bob Amen was killed in a motorcycle accident on Thursday night, leaving behind a wife and child. He was the IT Director at one of my client's and I spoke with him daily. We'd never met in person, so the only way I really knew him was as …

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Popfly, Microsoft's Innovative Mashup Programmer, Cancelled

From John Montgomery comes word that Microsoft's Popfly project has been cancelled. I was bullish on Popfly, predicting that it would become the power-user's entrance to Silverlight.

I have had a history of wishful thinking about "restoring the bridge between power users and programmers." I think Microsoft's Powershell is incredible …

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Kindle DX Review

I love my original Kindle. But the Achilles Heel of the Kindle has always been technical publications. The original Kindle does not have the screen real estate and formatting engine to properly deal with equations, graphs, and, most importantly for programmers, source code. Although it is possible to view some …

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