I Have to Say This ...

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[ Did I tell you the one where the guy from Microsoft calls Bjarne up at home and tells him that if he doesn't make the language left recursive look ahead 1 they wouldn't go ahead with a c++ compiler… [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Stan Lippman's BLog]]{style=""}

[Uh… No …

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No more apathy

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To battle this, I've decided to take up my own cause: Fighting for children's rights by getting "The Factory Act of 1833" repealed. [Via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Neopoleon.com]

What I love about this is that Rory’s decided to reject apathy by repealing an [English]{style="font-style:italic …

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Beard = success?

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What I want to know about this theory is: what happens if you're someone like me, who cycles between growing a beard and going beardless? Or does it just matter whether your official picture has a beard? I've got one right now, so does that mean I'm doing better …

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Dynamic Languages in Java

::: {.Section1} Tim Bray reports on a summit that Sun held to better understand the needs of the dynamic languages community. It sounds like Sun is recognizing the strength of the “multiple languages, one platform” value proposition that Microsoft has been pushing with .NET. :::

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Lazyweb: Who wrote the gesture-based editor prototype for the Tablet?

::: {.Section1} Someone blogged a prototype of a [RichTextBox]{style="font-weight:bold"}  that supported various [ApplicationGesture]{style="font-weight:bold"}s for inserting and deleting and so forth. I can’t find it on the blogs of the usual suspects, but I know I’m just not using the right keywords. Can …

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A Little Language Talk

My latest column for SD Times discusses “Little Languages”: a subset of domain-specific languages that can be mastered in a day and implemented in a matter of days or short weeks.

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Sunset is 1 minute later today...

According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, sunset here in beautiful Kailua Kona (Eat your heart out: Webcam) will occur today at 5:45 pm, one minute later than yesterday. Hoorah!

But I'm trying to figure out why sunset and sunrise aren't perfectly symmetrical. I mean, I get that local …

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lobrien -atsign- email.com

Oh, man! I just discovered that one of my most-used public addresses (from email.com) somehow “forgot” that it's supposed to be forwarding my mail to a real account. And, of course, since it's a public address, my Inbox quickly overflowed with offers of Rolexes and ph\@rm4sootikals. So, if …

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Tabletvolk Agog Over Custom Recognizers

Peter sez:

Julia really likes Loren's animated demo of his Circuit App…Very few actually venture into the complex yet so exciting world of custom recognizers that work on shapes. That's why Loren's and xThink's applications look so darn impressive - they are the cream of the crop, the ultimate and …

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