Selling Bits Independently: A Cautionary Tale

Once upon a time, I wrote a book about C#. More accurately, I talked to a friend who had written a Java book that I thought was proven to be a good way to teach that language and I said "Hey, can I license the content of your book and …

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Closing Out 2005 As An Independent

I just posted my three final invoices for 2005, my first full year of living in Hawai'i. The good news is that I beat my budget targets by 16%. The bad news is that, because of the move, I reduced those targets by 15%! The other bad news is that …

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A Tale of Two Micro-ISVs

::: {.Section1} [Gus Mueller, developer of Voodoo, a desktop Wiki application for the Mac, has been able to quit his day job based on the sales of his two applications. Eric Sink, who developed a guaranteed-winnable version of Windows Solitaire, made \$215 in 15 months and has sold off the app …

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Review: Pandora vs. MusicMatch "Artist Match"

I have a subscription MusicMatch's "On Demand" service, which includes the ability to put in an artist and say "Music like this." I loved this when I first experienced it, but Pandora is much better.

Compare these two results for a seed of "Jesus & Mary Chain":

MusicMatch "Artist Match"

  1. "Situation …
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Boot Windows XP off a USB flash drive

::: {.Section1}

[It would be a really good idea to do this as a basic safety process: ]{style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy"}[installing XP on your 256MB-or-bigger USB flash drive]( "")


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XBox 360 Makes Me Want HDTV

I have what was considered a great TV in its day (the year 2000) -- a 27" Sony Trinitron. There are no over-the-air HD signals here on the slopes of Hualalai Volcano, I have basic cable, and my Tivo doesn't record in HD. Project Gotham Racing totally makes me want to …

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Turbo Ruby

::: {.Section1} [Wouldn't it be awesome if Borland released a complete Ruby development environment that could target native Windows, Linux, the JVM, and .NET? Plus, of course, Rails? ]{style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"} :::

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Energy levels: MSFT vs GOOG

::: {.Section1} [I guess a bit of a theme is emerging today, check out this account from an ex-Microsoftian on the energy levels at Google:]{style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"}

A little over a year ago I left Microsoft and went to work for Google. During the interview process …
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das Blog developer joins MS

::: {.Section1} [Clemens Vaster, the original developer of my preferred blogging engine (dasBlog), has joined Microsoft as a Program Manager for WCF (Indigo). ]{style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"}

[ ]{style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"}

[If the past is any guide, the next six months will have a significant uptick in moves in …

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van Rossum goes Google?

::: {.Section1} O'Reilly's Jeremy Jones is reporting that Guido van Rossum, creator and lead developer of the Python programming language, is now working for Google\< ?xml:namespace prefix = o />.

My immediate reaction was "Not Heinemeir Hansson?" (The creator of Ruby on Rails, the much more buzzword-y framework for Web apps).

Seriously …

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